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XGC Paramore

I've been in this Gaming community(KoG) now for 2 years and always been wonder "Hmm... Why do you have to be 18 to join XGC?". And really my suggestion is that why cant it be at least 17 that you can join. No offense to KoG or anything but I like to play with mature gamers(there is not many mature gamers in KoG) and not "little kids". Plus I'm in High School right now and I'm 17 going to graduating in June and then I won't be 18 until October so I find to be just lame that I have to wait to be in XGC. I also pretty unfair as well that people with late birthdays have no wait longer.

So pretty much I'm suggesting that maybe you people can lower the XGC age restriction from 18 down to 17 or at least let the people that been in this gaming community for a while(around 1 1/2 years minimum with age restrictions).

-Im Too BK