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So You Want To Host An Event - A Step by Step Guide


Tournament Admin
Oct 14, 2018
Maryville, TN
So You Want To Host An Event - A Step by Step Guide

Prior to the Event

1. Find a co-host from the Events Team Roster and message them on the Xbox or Discord and/or get into a party with them to settle on a date & time that works for both of you, as well as what game modes you are planning on running to ensure you both know how to set things up in-game.

2. Check the Xiled Gaming Calendar on the website to make sure there is not another event going on on the date you have chosen, If there is then you need to change your date to another day.

3. Post your event in the Official Community Events subforum, following the format listed. Events must be posted at minimum 2 week in advance and may be posted into the future as far forward as you'd like.

4. Once approved, make sure to spam out your event details. I've listed the normal methods below, if you come up with any others please let me know prior to spamming in any other way.
-Write a post on your Xbox activity feed and share to the Xiled Gaming and Xiled Events Team Clubs, and any other XG-Related clubs you are a part of (clan clubs etc.)
-Get with the Design Team for them to create a flyer for the event. with the basic details of your event (Date & time, hosts, game) and share via Discord (see below)
-Share over Discord in the official XG Community Discord, in the Game Nights channel as well as the game board for that game (if applicable)
-Post on the website under Game Boards
-Word of Mouth

During the Event

5. Set up your lobby and party at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled start time - if your event is due to start at 9pm EST, you and your co-host should be in a party with the lobby started at 8:45pm EST. This allows you enough time to set up any modes or classes and be ready to start on time. Begin inviting members 5-10 minutes prior to get the lobby filled up, and encourage members to invite their friends to the game.

6. Ensure all members in the lobby are following any rules laid out, and not violating the honor code during your event. Any disruptive members should be removed from the lobby so they don't negatively affect the rest of the people in the lobby.

7. Pay attention to your lobby - if people are not having fun and have feedback or changes that they would like to see, listen to them and adjust the settings, keeping in mind that it should be a majority of people requesting it otherwise you'll be making one person happy and potentially upsetting the rest of the lobby.

After the Event

8. Thank everyone for attending, and remind them to check the Events Team forum to see upcoming game nights and also to request a game night they'd like to see in the future!​
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