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Feb 18, 2006
I have learned a ton of great things while I have been in XGC, this is the only Clan I have ever been in, I have helped build a Fraternity before when I was in College, it was a local frat, that is now the biggest on my campus of SUNY Geneseo, 12 years later. Building clans I learned here, both clans and Frats have brother hood and pride in them, and both take time, dedication and are extracurricular. So if you have a few minutes take in what I have to say with a grain of salt, don't forget mine is not the only way, it just has worked for me.

If I was going to start a new clan today, what would I do 1st, 2nd, and 3rd

1st. I want to get a partner in crime a Robin to my Batman
If I was to right an ad in the newspaper it would say something like this:
(General looking for Captain, applicants must be; dependable, active, willing to tell me that I am wrong or they disagree, not afraid of work, and must be out going. )

2nd. We would need a name for our clan something fun, and we would have to agree on certain rules and a structure to have in the clan. aka HONOR CODE and RANK STRUCTURE. so lets call our clan ( XGC Fight Club)

3rd. We would have to Recruit members, Members we can be proud of, someone you would call friend, and some one who would be active and game with us all the time.

So that's how it would start, but then what?

Well you need to keep your members happy, by, Gaming with them, having fun events (game nights, poker nights, and playing together) how about Competition...Playing in Tournaments has always been exciting and fun for me, so Practicing and getting really good so we can get Ws against other clans would be great.

but is that enough, I want clans to keep growing and living even when I am not around, So train those new recruits to become SRGNTs and LTs, train those guys that are in for awhile to Lead Practices and make clan challenges, and teaching my Robin to be Batman is huge,

I think its important that we leave behind in others the will and ability to carry on even after we are gone.

Just like my Frat, I helped build it with 8 guys 12 years ago, and 24 semesters later of pledges who have held the position of president, pledge master, and number of other important positions in the frat who have graduated and moved on, and not only is the Frat still alive but over 80 on campus members, and we get invited back all the time for BBQs and weekend trips. Just like I have graduated to the Rank of Division Leader, my clans are still building and splitting.

To me, there is allot of duelality to an XGC Clan and Frat or even a High school sports team. think about it, and that is how I would build a clan if I was starting one today.
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