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XGC Carlitos

Forum Nerd
Apr 28, 2015
Bell, California
Hello guys sorry to bother this is what I would like for my sig.

Name to be used for Image: On the Bottom left corner can you put XGC Old Republic and im the bottom right can you put BPDCarlitos.
Also if possible can you add this quote: No matter what kind of wisdom dictates you the option you pick, no one will be able to tell if it's right or wrong until you arrive to some sort of outcome from your choice. if not it's fine :)
The letters can be whatever color you see fit that would fit in with the pic or if possible maybe a bluish color

Theme of the signature: I want to use this image: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/151/f/0/f09bb337d93df911860f1e10be383dcb-d679lso.png

Color Style: honestly again I don't want whatever color would fit in with the pic!