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XGC x0 0 7x XI

Council Leader
Jan 1, 2006
A, A

We have lost some good people and are sad to see them move on but with the loss of some come the rise of many. We are very happy for some of our stagnant leaders with bad attitudes recognizing it is time for them to quit and do their own thing. It is like a circle of leadership. With our constant growth in all of the new games and platforms out there we are very excited to find new and exciting people. One thing we don’t want to get caught up in is our old leaders hanging on to what they quit and try to bring us unwanted drama. We do recognize that many other “new” communities out there are using our formula for success and we want to take this opportunity to wish you good luck. It isn’t easy to do what we do! We want all of our “fans” out there to know that we are about online gaming! Gaming being the key word! We are not interested in any personal differences you have with other gamers! You keep people who are your “friends” on your friends list! If you don’t like someone then don’t play with him or her. You can be apart of the same clan and not like certain people in it! If you have a problem with a decision that another leader makes be an adult and get with that leader to work it out! Don’t take it personal and QUIT over organized gaming decisions!

Gaming is what we all have in common. We don’t want anyone to be in our community who does not want to be here! If someone quits for what they feel is a personal reason we would love to someday have you back. But if someone quits on the people who count on him or her for what they think is XILED GAMING wavering on rules then we won’t be interested in having you back! NOONE wants to follow a quitter! Contrary to what some quitters think we DON’T waiver on our rules! Quitters just don’t like the way our rules work so they make outlandish accusations to fit the reason they acted like a 6 year old quit on the people who count on them! We say GOOD RIDDENS! We want our members to be here for what XILED GAMING is about not individual members or leaders! We share a sense of gaming morals and values that most don’t know of or don’t care to be apart of! We each represent what XILED GAMING is about! Every one of our clans are equally important to the make up of our community! We are happy to offer an area for every type of gamer!

We look forward to the new leaders that will run our amazing community. We don’t have a crazy leadership structure with 20 crazy positions! Each and every position is so important and we don’t want members who are out for a fictious title over a video game system. Our leadership structure is a proven success and with patience and good decision-making each and every member has the ability to make it to whatever position they desire. We are happy to have each and every one of our members and I personally look forward to talking to everyone online or in our amazing forums!



Nov 15, 2012
Yorktown, VA
Well said 007, people leave XG for a copy of XG which doesn't make sense but if they are willing to quit because they didn't get their way then I say the same as you sir....GOOD RIDDENS! A leader is not only there for the ups but also the downs and to handle each and every problem with maturity and good decision making, if they aren't fit then maybe this isn't the place for them. But XG doesn't cater to each person that whines about whats not going their way, I honestly whole heartedly love this community and wouldn't leave for a community leaders position in another community. The standards and morals this community can never be duplicated no matter how hard they try and i'm honored and proud to call myself a XG member.


Jun 1, 2013
HOOAH. sad to see some leave to be honest.. but as you stated "Others will rise to the occasion" and help make this community more better then what it is already.. I know I can speak for many that we appreciate this community as a whole and is blessed for each member we have, had and or going to have.. lets keep it rocking and moving forward with positive progression!

KoG NachoKill

Forum Junkie
May 22, 2011

You just posted that the "group left" this means that they chose to go their own way, by their own choice, They made the choice to leave, so I kind of feel myself that they gave up that privelage.

Just my .02 worth

XGC Aesopswolf

Forum Nerd
Aug 10, 2011
A, A
XGC is most definitely not for everyone. I have learned that time and time again since I have been a member. There are 70k + personalities in this community and not all are going to get along for whatever reason it may be, or accept what it is this community does, or is achieving.

What may make you or myself happy especially in this community may not make the next person happy. I think the best thing we all can do is remind ourselves that we are gamers. Whether you use gaming for a relief from every day life or if you are competitive, or if you have made it a job. It is just a game.

And, our ranks from Recruit, to General, to Section Leader, etc. are there just to give this community some structure. Like it states in the history of XGC this community was forged to be something more, something bigger. I say lets continue to do so.


Forum Nerd
Apr 22, 2013
yah to fund what? a paintball team????? wtf? were an online gaming community. what does that have to do with paintball. there are so many tournaments for games like cod, battlefield, and gears. why arent we in them? we are the leg work to fund bull****. say we get 30 ppl on the website and 5 go premium. In 5 to 6 months you have enough to fund a team to go play a tounement or even fund an online tournament. theres no reason the council cant do this. And thats why people keep leaving. You want people to stay. Give them a reason too.


Nov 15, 2012
Yorktown, VA
Ok little man I just met you a few days ago so ill be frank with it, the site is a means to communicate with other like minded gamers. Where on gods green earth do you see any advertisement? Lol seriously if people want a subscription that's on them if they choose to no ones forcing them but let me ask you this do you know what it takes to keep a website like this functioning because I do. High quality sites like this aren't cheap and to house a community like this is not cheap either. Also not everyone is an online gamer 24/7 people have other hobbies, lives outside of XG some people love to play games and paintball and would want to not only play with some online but in real life its their choice. Another question is are you on the council sir?.....whats that? No you aren't? Then how the hell do you know what they are planning and instead of fussing about what you dont see how about you try to contribute towards the community instead of waiting for hand outs nothing is stopping you from going to leadership and saying "hey id like to start a competitive team " but instead you're waiting and complaining about things you dont see happening like any other mildly active member. My suggestion is instead of being an addition to the problem be a solution that's what makes great leaders and a community like this flourish not bit ching and nagging about problems you see. Be a leader not a follower and inzer bro you're funny lol that's how I know you have no clue with what you're saying because I can just laugh at your statement lol. That is all shredda out


Dec 30, 2009
I have heard both sides and been in the middle, if people want to go and create a "new" community then let them! XG has and always will be there for its members. All the lies created around people leaving is just added drama, there is really no real reason why they quit other than they were annoyed that they couldn't get there own way, don't listen to the simple minded so called leaders that quit. Good luck to them in the future but as most of us older members of XG know it wont be too long before the come back with there tails between there legs

KoG Gibz XD

May 27, 2011
Upper Lake, Ca
Littleman is indeed a little man in every such sort of terminology be free dude think for your self barking the same junk every other pissed off man child barks makes you a clone! And ain't no body got time for that!

KoG Exile

Jan 10, 2006
Out with the old indeed. We have a lot of talented people here in XG who are dedicated and eager to help this community! People who have the honor, courage, and commitment that we stand for. When y'all hear lies about the best gaming community in the world, remember... you didn't here it from us! It is coming from people who will tell you what you want to hear. I know XG has a lot of good people and we will continue to do what we do: make friends, build relationships, and continue to grow as we recruit like minded gamers!
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