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XGC Pantheon
XGC Ragnarok
May 11, 2012
Seattle, WA
Congratulations on your Promotion to Section Leader! Sometimes transitioning into the new role can be a bit overwhelming at the beginning so i'm going to give you some helpful tips to make things a bit smoother for you!

The Help Desk will become your best friend if it isn't already.
  • Everytime you pick up a new clan, an 'Update Clan' request needs to be posted in the Help Desk (following the correct format) under 'Request New, Update, or Delete Clan' forum which you can locate here >>HERE<<.

    This forum is also where you would Update a General, Update Primary Games of a Clan, Update Console, Request to Open a 'New Clan' once a Clan Split has been approved, and 'Delete Clan' once a clan has been shut down. Most need approval from XD prior to completing other than General changes.
  • Proposed Clan Splits are posted in the Help Desk (following the correct format) under 'Request Clan Split' which can be located >>HERE<<. It is up to the XS to ensure the clan split is properly completed/accurate before posting it in the Help Desk.
  • User Group Removal Requests need your approval when one of your Generals request to remove 10+ members from the user group.
  • Moderating your Sections forums is important. Sticky/Unsticky, unsticking prior to deleting threads, keeping up Forum Rules/Guidelines, keeping your forums organized is important. If you do not know how, hit up a peer or an XD to help.

A few website features that you will soon become very familiar with have now opened up for your viewing and for you to use on a daily basis to help you grow as a Leader.
  • Section Leader Forums - Now that you are XS, you have your own private forums under 'Ask the Section Leaders' which can be located >>HERE<<. It is up to you, to request a banner to make it look legit.
  • Section Leader & Squad Breakdowns is a key to help you identify which XS has which Clan. Also posted in the 'Ask the Section Leaders' forums which can be located >>HERE<<
  • XS Leader Log is intended for Section Leaders across all Divisions to keep a log of any major situations that you deal with for other XS's to be aware of. This can be located in the 'XG Staff' forums >>HERE<<
  • Section Updates is where you would post any updates about the Clans within your Section. Any important changes/details, good or bad, should be documented here. Note: This does NOT take the place of communicating any issues with the Division Leaders.

Remember, it is now your responsibility to attend Section Leader Meetings which are every two weeks on Sunday @ 8pm EST with a Generals meeting to follow @ 9pm EST which you will be hosting with a fellow XS.
Generals Meeting Attendance should be taken & then posted >>HERE<<
2nd Sunday of each month is the XS-XI Meeting, held in the place of Section Leader Meetings @ 10pm EST.

This may seem like a lot of information but down the line, you may need it! Utilize any XD for questions & utilize your peers as well!!

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