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Long awaited return Home


Dec 2, 2015
Dallas, GA

Alot of you used to know me as Either XGC Angelofdooms, Or XGC Legionofwar, I first joined back in 2015, in early 2020 i did something i thought i woud never ever do, I left xgc with some other old xgc members, which that didnt last long, i decided to get clean and I did and now 3 years later i have returned. I still owe alot of people here a huge aplogy, I messed alot up by following someone i thought was a friend which turns how was not the case, now 4 years later im a completly different person, i Own a house on 14 acres and live life to the fullest. I hope my return will be back alot of old good memeries i had here, and I look forward to moving forward in this community Ive always callled a home. My current gamertag is xXLegionXx feel free to add me. I play everything.
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