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Forum Nub
Apr 16, 2010
HEY ,here is the deal my whole xgc page has been wiped out, how many post ive put up and my friends list as short as it was. my cool little xgc avatar ,heck my cool but not professional sig"I made it ". and i have put up some very worthy post that drew some great responses from the public . i dont think ive done anything wrong so im like clueless about what has happend! anyhoo if someone could enlighten me on the dealio that would be cool oh ive just gone under a clan split i am in [ XGC ATROCITY XK-AK] i will be in touch with my general about this . Heck i was in a clan match tonight and we won of course! ok well let me know somthing i almost feel naked coming onto the website i will not post untill this is resolved and if any body is news related reading this you know what kind of attention i can draw im looking to get in with that as well thank you see yaaa!!