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XGC Lucky Shot

Forum Star
Dec 9, 2006
Montgomery Alabama
Ok guys this is where we stand... As far as I can tell, Halo 3 is not going to have clan lists. This could be an issue for us as an organized gaming community. I know it doesnt seem like that big of a deal for alot of people, because we have this website to keep our squadlists up and stay organized. I dont think that is enough. Halo and its clan lists are the glue that holds us together, without the list it is very difficult to recruit and ensure that your clans are active with one another. The only game Ive played where it was fairly easy to recruit people is F.E.A.R. because XG owns it and everyone wants to be a part of it. Other than that it is damn near impossible to get people to actually get on the website and register, and after they do they usually arent active with the clan at all other than just playing with a select few people. Imagine how hard it would be to organize a massive clan of 80 members without a clan list. You and everyone in your clan would basically have to add one another to your friends list, which would leave little room on it to add people from the other clans. Simply put... IMPOSSIBLE. This is my proposition: We rally all of XG, and storm the bungie website. If 20,000 people show up on the Bungie forums and blow it up overnight asking for a Clan list, they cant help but listen. We should spam the message to everyone in XG who enjoys the clan the way it is now. Im sure this has its pros and cons but it cant hurt to give it a shot. Please leave feedback, and let me know what you guys think about it. Viva La Revolution!

Edit: If the Council backs us on this we can maybe make it an "Announcement" Thread. Also it might be a good thing to also have this brought through XG as a spam message from above. :)
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XGC Lucky Shot

Forum Star
Dec 9, 2006
Montgomery Alabama
I think it would be good to set a date to start doing it. If we go one at a time it probrably wont be noticed where as if we, along with everyone in our clans that agrees with this go at once... They will see. Tell everyone you know to check out this thread, and get an idea of whats going on. For the moment we could say well go in two weeks from today.


Forum Junkie
Dec 11, 2006
alrite, ill alert everyone in my clan about it, and even tell others who arent in xgc.
we have to alert kog and syn too and tell them to rally with us.
even get a lot of ppl who arent even in xiled gaming.


Forum Nerd
Dec 10, 2006
Good then maybe you guys won't leave me to go to Halo 3 with your fancy 360 ---- I mean awwwww that sucks! But I see where you are coming from Lucky


Forum Nerd
Dec 12, 2006
alright this has to be organized to work. we need to get the council in this and make it maditory! we also need to set a date if we do it organized it will look alot better. say we start a thread at 12:00 pm at night then we try and get like 14,000-15,000 posts in that thread by 12:00 the next night then stop dead cold. it would make a lasting impression i will alert my clan and we should send out a total forum thread like viper does every now and then. so whoever is leading this set a date!

XGC Lucky Shot

Forum Star
Dec 9, 2006
Montgomery Alabama
Hell yes, Id say the first weekend in feb. will do nicely. If this is not good for anyone else let me know. 2-03-07 until when we decide is the right time. Feb the third is the launch date as of now though.