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XGC Cluv

Forum Junkie
Feb 23, 2007
Hey i made this thread to try and have new ideas to make my clan more exciting. Ive been in charge of three different clans within my days of general and i want to see how i can make them even better.
As generals we need to work together and see how we can be more successful

So if your having problems in your clan post here and lets work together and give each other advice. Thanks


Aug 23, 2007
Well what i do is i assign everyone in my clan a job. This way each individual members feels like they contribute in someway. For example at the meetings ill have someone take notes down and stuff like that. I generate a clan meeting weekly, i schedule clan matches with other clans stuff like that. Its also import to play with the lower ranks on a regular basis. This way they feel important and are most likely to continue to be active and contribute to the clan.Also ask them for their ideas and stuff and we incorprate them into the clan

XGC Cluv

Forum Junkie
Feb 23, 2007
I do those both and they have worked very well in halo 2 but i dont have enough members in halo 3 yet to have meetings but i am getting close.

XGC Cluv

Forum Junkie
Feb 23, 2007
Ive been recruiting like crazy its a one man show. I think ive brought in 15ish for XGC and some for KOG. BUt also I have other people thats brought in a total of two or three maybe. And two for KOG. So yeah lol im getting it going slowly...

XGC Annette

Forum Nub
May 2, 2007
united states
For NEW BLOOD communication has been our strong point last month I had a most forum post and a best h3 screen shot contest we had over 400 new posts and we had to judge on over 120 shots , i guess just keep in mind also when u recruit like i was told quality over quanity. u r a role model now..........surprise...........people are looking up to u follow thru,listen,show respect, learn patience,ask for help when u need it.

SYN Corona

Alright. Ill share some wisdom with you guys. Lol, combined Ive been a general for atleast 18 months! lmao. In XGC, KoG, XGC and KoG at the same time, and of course, the Syndicate! Most of the time 3 or 4 clans at the same time:cool: lmao, anyway

Its fairly simple on how to run a successful clan. make sure you have great captains, and everyone has the rightul rank they deserve. Dont be afraid to promote, nor Demote members. As long as youre honest with them, and not harsh, they'll understand what youre doing and be fine with it.

Get 1 captain and of course 1 lt, for every 10 ACTIVE members or so. I treat the SGT rank like the LT rank pretty much. A captain chooses his liut. so it can be hard to get that rank. So I've always been open to promoting a sgt to captain. This way, a good squad is about 1 capt. 1 liut. and 3 or 4 sgt. Where the captain is working hand and hand with them to get them all ready for a captain spot while I work with the captain to get them ready for a general spot.

Also, you need to be active yourself, make sure everyone is active on the forums, make sure they all know, understand, and obide by the rank structure and honor code. You need to keep interest in your clan. So hold atleast one clan meeting a week, have your captains stat clan compete teams so they can hold meetings, practices, and work with their squads better, etc etc.

Last but not least, DO NOT recruit to fast. For instance, dont say stuff like recruit 20 people and you get a captain rank. Say your clan has 50 active members in it, if they each recruit 1 person a week, (which is VERY easy) each time you do your squad list you would have 100 new members! Its like a house, you need a good strong foundation to build onto, if you do it to fast and big, it will get top heavy and fall apart!

Youre welcome ;)

XGC Sentinel

Jan 27, 2007
United States PA
I thought I'd share the jist of a conversation I recently had with a new Lt. of mine.

He was asking about recruiting and the best way to go about it. On our forums, I have a "Recruiting Speech" thread to use as a guide line for eveything one needs to go over with a potential recruit.

I noticed some hesitation as he said "Yeah I saw that ..."
I said "Yeah .. its a pretty long "speech" ... alot to cover huh ... you might even think to your self .. man ... I'll probably sound like a Tool if I say or go over all this stuff ! "(we both laughed) ... then I said " Well it is alot of information, but who are we looking for ... I mean someone might think as we go over this stuff ... ' Man .. they take this stuff Seriously ' .. and if they can't handle that ... so be it. _ I take the rank structure and our honor-code seriously .. its what keeps us strong ... if we don't convey that to our recruits .. they won't take it seriously either."

My point in making you read all that, [if anyone's still reading :)] is that you need to impress upon your whole clan that Everyone is capable of recruiting, as long as its done correctly. _ And if they take recruiting seriously and find someone who show's interest, then they've found a great candidate.
If they arn't interested in listening to our honor-code .... how can we expect them to obey it. _ So you say adios, good luck, and you go have some fun playing till you find someone else who you think may some good potential to approach.

Sorry for the length .. :D .. thats my 2 cents on recruiting .. haha

XGC Cluv

Forum Junkie
Feb 23, 2007
Yes i made my mentor happy. Jangles you give me any clan and i will get it going...eventually lol you know you can trust me bro.

SYN Stallion

Feb 27, 2007
Canada, Ontario
Another way i found to keep people aware of clan participation and teamwork is well.. you know most games have tags now? well start them off with lower case letters like for me it's syn and make it so each letter represents something that we stand for like to get there capital S they need to demonstrate good Teamwork and if they want there capital N they need to have good objective skills or create a map strategy for clan matches.. you can make them represent several different things and it motivates members to participate more.. also you can sign up in clancompete.com combatarenas.com and gamebattles.com and sort your clan out for skill lvls partaking in each

XGC Sentinel

Jan 27, 2007
United States PA
Another way i found to keep people aware of clan participation and teamwork is well.. you know most games have tags now? ....

Our "tags" in COD4 let you know what someones rank is and which squad they are in.
[wolf] = a recruit
[WPP1] = Private in Squad 1
[WPS2] = Sergeant in Squad 2
[WPL3] = Lieutenant in Squad 3
[WPC1] = Captain of Squad 1
[WPGE] = me :D

tell me about it man i got all my clan all excited for it then when they went to register it went down and has been since :(

I did the same thing ... got Wolf Pack all excited and had 10 people signed up on CC and waited to get through all the forfiet victory's until we had an actual challenge accepted, and a day later ... it was down ... haha :eek::)