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Forum Veteran
Nov 27, 2006
Las Vegas
I was going to bring these up in the Section/Division Leader meeting but we didn't really have enough time.

First, are we the largest gaming community? I'm asking because it would be pretty cool to have "Largest Gaming Community" rights. It would be very good for advertising ourselves. And if we're not the largest community outright, we should find something that we are the largest in, and advertise that. Maybe "Largest Halo 2 community" or anything like it.

Second, I'm pretty sure I already know the answer to this one, but I wanted to double check. We can still promote people as usual, based on leadership in other games, right? I'm asking because I could see people getting mad if I promote someone to Captain in Rainbow 6, and then they come back over to Halo 2 as a Captain. I know if you're a certain rank in Halo 2, you're that certain rank throughout all games and throughout XG. Is this something we should tell the Generals to say during their meetings? It should probably be cleared up and made public before anything like this happens.

I just thought of this one as well. I know we have a New Members section on the forums, but as we grow and more people use the site, I think we need more resources for people looking to join. I've noticed an increasing number of people coming to me and sending me PM's asking what they need to do to join XGC, KOG, SYN or who they need to talk to, etc. I've noticed that we really don't have anything for those kinds of people, especially within the New Members area. We need to make it clear that there is a procedure that new members have to go through (basically a Recruitment Script) and what they need to do to get in contact with someone inside of XG to bring them into a certain clan on any game or gaming platform. I think this should be one of our top priorities, considering we are phasing out communication from Halo 2 onto the website. I don't know exactly where this would fall as far as responsibilities of Section/Division Leaders, but one or more of us should be responsible for people who are new to our community so that these people aren't turned away or get frustrated to the point they don't want to join.
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Council Leader
Council Leader
Oct 21, 2006
Yes promoting in other games based on leadership, highly encouraged...


Council Leader
Council Leader
Oct 21, 2006
The second one we will need to look into a bit deeper and come up with a solution.


Mar 27, 2006
somewhere on the internet
I was going to bring these up in the Section/Division Leader meeting but we didn't really have enough time.

First, are we the largest gaming community? I'm asking because it would be pretty cool to have "Largest Gaming Community" rights. It would be very good for advertising ourselves. And if we're not the largest community outright, we should find something that we are the largest in, and advertise that. Maybe "Largest Halo 2 community" or anything like it.

Second, I'm pretty sure I already know the answer to this one, but I wanted to double check. We can still promote people as usual, based on leadership in other games, right? I'm asking because I could see people getting mad if I promote someone to Captain in Rainbow 6, and then they come back over to Halo 2 as a Captain. I know if you're a certain rank in Halo 2, you're that certain rank throughout all games and throughout XG. Is this something we should tell the Generals to say during their meetings? It should probably be cleared up and made public before anything like this happens.

I just thought of this one as well. I know we have a New Members section on the forums, but as we grow and more people use the site, I think we need more resources for people looking to join. I've noticed an increasing number of people coming to me and sending me PM's asking what they need to do to join XGC, KOG, SYN or who they need to talk to, etc. I've noticed that we really don't have anything for those kinds of people, especially within the New Members area. We need to make it clear that there is a procedure that new members have to go through (basically a Recruitment Script) and what they need to do to get in contact with someone inside of XG to bring them into a certain clan on any game or gaming platform. I think this should be one of our top priorities, considering we are phasing out communication from Halo 2 onto the website. I don't know exactly where this would fall as far as responsibilities of Section/Division Leaders, but one or more of us should be responsible for people who are new to our community so that these people aren't turned away or get frustrated to the point they don't want to join.

On the promotion thing in other games, I have gotten that message out to the generals for there meetings a couple times in the last month or so. I have also posted a few times here in the forums in reference to the process. We should continue to spread the word on this so more and more understand ir it properly.


Forum Veteran
Nov 27, 2006
Las Vegas
Awesome Hylander. I wasn't sure if it had been done or not because I hadn't heard anything about it. But way to keep them Gen's updated!