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XGC Cluv

Forum Junkie
Feb 23, 2007
Now from the thread on 007's you added some info when you joined in the beginning of halo 2. You said you were a great sniper and could keep up with Cav. But i have a couple questions for you if you dont mind answering...

  • How good were you individually? (Level in matchmaking and stuff)
  • How good were the other council members?
  • When I was in XGC Ambassador, I looked on bungie and saw how our clan did some clan matches on a ranked playlist (miss those days) Did you play ranked minor clan matches and major clan matches with any XG clan?
  • If so, how did you and the council do?
  • And do any of you guy's tags still exist the KSI ones? And who are who's? (Some of them are obvious and look really familiar, I've seen them before)

Thats all I got for you right now. Just thought I might try and find more XG history.

XGC Coleslaw XI

Council Member
Jan 1, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
I have no prob. answering questions like these...

* How good were you individually? (Level in matchmaking and stuff)

Well as you know, it's hard to base how good a player is by their matchmaking skill level (with all of the cheaters out there). I didn't make it to that high of a level... The highest level I ever got to was 35... I was a 35 in team snipers. I was a level 34 in team slayer... and the one that i was prolly most proud of was a level 31 in big team... If i had to guess i'd say that i could have competed at MLG on the amatuer level. When i say competed i mean i would have helped my team advance and been able to hold my own at a high level of competition. I was a long range specialist, using the Sniper and BR primarily. But i also could do whatever task was at hand... i didn't mind carrying the bomb or flag or whatever...

* How good were the other council members?

Once again it depends how you define good... each council member that gamed in our group was awesome at some particular thing. some were better all around players than others, but we each had a role and a gameplan for each map and gametype. Some prefered to snipe, some prefered to run the objective, but whatever it was, communication was key to our success. there wasn't too many big team matches that we went into as a group and didn't come out victorious.

* When I was in XGC Ambassador, I looked on bungie and saw how our clan did some clan matches on a ranked playlist (miss those days) Did you play ranked minor clan matches and major clan matches with any XG clan?

major and minor clan matches were gone by the time we created XG... We played them when we were KSI though, but I played with so many different clans in those clan matches (i had four gamertags at the time, and moved frequently) that i can't remember what ranks we ever got too... the only one i remember was that i used to play major clan matches with easy company... i wasn't actually part of easy company (and i occasionally got some slack for helpin them out) but we made it to the top 100 clans in the world in major clan match... i don't remember what exact position or what number rank it was, but we were high up in the food chain at one point.

* If so, how did you and the council do?

already answered this one i suppose

* And do any of you guy's tags still exist the KSI ones? And who are who's? (Some of them are obvious and look really familiar, I've seen them before)

the first tag i ever created was JustinColeslaw... when i joined KSI with 007 and the crew, i made a few KSI tags... when we left KSI, we had all changed our tags on our 360's... my XGC Coleslaw XI tag was once KSI Coleslaw XK7 and my XGC Slaw XI tag was once JustinColeslaw... all of the council kept the same names... we were already leaders in one clan so a lot of people already knew our names, so there was no reason to change our names... coleslaw, 007, otto, hades, caviezel, knight, mr hatt, bulldog, and sly fox were the original nine council members... dotcom did a lot of work for us in the development stages too... (now) XGC Gunninfoya were the only 11 who knew about XG at the time that we created it... mr hatt, bulldog, and sly fox have all stepped down to gamers since though...

XGC Cluv

Forum Junkie
Feb 23, 2007
Wow thats cool coleslaw. We need to play on halo 3. I want to see how good you are. I used to be in elites lol. But were you in elites and helped out with that? But thats cool so their were original 10 council members?

XGC Coleslaw XI

Council Member
Jan 1, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
officially there was only 9 council members... but we want to recognize some of the people that do behind the scenes work... not everything that's done for XG is organizing clans on the box... there's a lot more work involved...

i don't know how good i am at Halo 3... i personally don't really care for the game... it's not a bad game, but i like so many of the other games right now... i honestly haven't played a single game on halo 3 since COD4 came out so i'm not gonna be really good

as far as elites go... i was never in charge of the elites, but i started what eventually turned into the elites, back when we were in KSI... i had made a clan called KSI Kings XK, and that basically turned into a group of "elites" we only accepted the best players... we ran some strategies, but i lost a lot of those members when we went to XGC (they didn't stay in KSI either, but they just weren't really dedicated) Then in XGC i was the one in charge of the XGC pro team... we did go to a few MLG events, and at times our team was competing with the likes of carbon, st8 rippin, and final boss... but there was a lot of drama involved in the pro circuit... we had our pro team bought out from underneath us (by bought i mean someone offered them more money, we recieved no compensation)... so our pro team changed a few times until we decided it was too much drama for us at the time... we were still a new clan at the time and didn't need that, so we decided to deal with that later

XGC Cluv

Forum Junkie
Feb 23, 2007
Thats intense about the compensation stuff. I have played a little COD4 online but I am still a nub and gets confused at times. I just stay alive and go postive thats my job on that game. Next time you play hook me up with an invite and i will go leave H3 and come work on my COD4 game.

I have played against final boss before too. I did some walshy magic one time. I also learned alot from XGC SOAP he taught me alot of there stratgies and glitches. It was cool to do that and I miss Elites I never did try out for H3 I probably should but their down at the momento. So until then I guess I will keep playing and getting better. But I am determined to make into the H3 one also if it gets back up.

And by the way is their way I could possissbly learn how to become a XG News Editor because I want to combine all this history and put into threads for the XG community and cool stuff like that?

XGC Coleslaw XI

Council Member
Jan 1, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
cluv we could prolly do that, i don't know who is in charge of the media crew at the moment, but i can def. find out.

and legend, they are shut down because the whole concept of our elites is being restructured... i'm not going to say much more because there is some debate on the topic at the moment and i don't know exactly what we are going to do and when...

XGC Cluv

Forum Junkie
Feb 23, 2007
Sweet ya help me if you could. That would be much appreciated. I think it could be cool if I could keep up with the history and stuff like that. Maybe do some interviews and start some polls and stuff. But could you tell me about some of the elite stuff in private or is it a hush hush deal?

XGC Cluv

Forum Junkie
Feb 23, 2007
Alright thats cool.

By the way I sent a application in about XG history. I want to hear more from your point of view on things that I wouldnt get from 007 and what other people dont know so my stories will be more exciting. And did you get my P.M. i sent?

XGC Coleslaw XI

Council Member
Jan 1, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
P.M. me, and put an eyecatching title in there, like "coleslaw questions" so that i don't think it's spam... i get like 50+ pms a week and sometimes i delete stuff that looks like spam... u can talk to me online as well, but pms are easier because i'll have a hard cover of the questions in front of me, not to mention i may be busy on the box...