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Forum Junkie
Dec 7, 2012
All right fellow clan mates and fellow XG, whoever may read this.
I am writing this so people can better understand as to why we are all asked to post on the XG website.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

It was brought to my attention by someone that others have said they think we are being told by higher ups to post on the website because they want to get their moneys worth on the site and a few other silly reasons.

THE REASON they ask and encourage all of us to post is so we can NETWORK... We are a Gaming Community not just an individual clan.
The site is to help us better communicate as a clan by posting in our forums YES... BUUUUT..... we don't have to just post in our forums. We can post on the walls of friends we have made, we can click on their clan banners and post in their clan forums and see how other clans are run... we can visit the other divisions also and see how their clans are run. We can meet people from around the world even. We have many many different sorts of people registered on this great site of ours.

Posting on this site is a look outside of the box, it is a great and easy way for information to be passed around to everyone quickly... for example.
On the xbox 360 you only get 100 friends.
If section leaders were needing to send mass messages it would make more sense to do so on here. They are not going to have every General on their profile..

I have also heard that people think it is a major reason we have had trouble with bringing in recruits lately... " That nobody wants to join a clan who HAS to post on this website ." FIRST OFF.. People are encouraged to post not told to post. We can't make anyone do anything they don't want to do. People are going to be as active as they want to be. Those who take the initiative are the ones who are going to move up and get those higher promotions. So keep that in mind... Back on track now though, when recruiting it is very important to let them know we are site based YES this is true. When talking about it don't tell possible recruits WE HAVE TO POST. You first have to know why it is we do post on the XG WEBSITE. So you yourself know the difference because it is all on how you sell it. That is certainly not by saying we have to. When recruiting someone, let them know that we have our rank structure and our honor code. Let them know we are SITE BASED and encouraged to be active on the site. Let them know some of the reasons why we are site based ie.. We have 5 different gaming divisions on 5 different gaming platforms. So it keeps us in touch with our clan but also with other divisions, as we are not just a clan but a GAMING COMMUNITY.

I hope this sheds some light in the issues with posting and hope you look at it in a whole new light.
Happy Posting!!! :)


This was posted in my Clan Forum for my guys in XGC SOLDIERS XK. People started copy and pasting it to their forums and was suggested to be posted for all.
I commented on the post on the Exiled Gaming Face Book Site and here were some comments that followed with other good info...

Xiled Gaming:
Why don't you submit this as a news article? This belongs on the from page of the website. Well written.

Anonymous: Still the community way of thinking is basically a big pyramid scheme if you want to move up you need to recruit

XGC CRAZYNESS: This was a thread I wrote in my clan forum to my guys in XGC SOLDIERS XK and for anyone in XG to read.

XGC CRAZYNESS: "Anonymous" that is your own way of thinking on how XGC is run. We recruit because we love our community and want to share and grow it with others. When you have something you enjoy, love, and believe in don't you want people to experience it??? As posting on the site people are not forced to recruit but encouraged. People are going to be as active as they want to be.

Anonymous:As is such you dont have to recruit or post but you wont move up Ione of my friends well liked in his squad wouldnt post alot but checked the forums often a good leader and excellent tactician would have loved to have had his own squad passed up for promotion "because you dont bring in recruits" his general's exact words

Anonymous: Also Ive watched my fair share of groups splinter off since I joined xgc and I think the good riddance attitude that folks have towards people leaving is at it's core a slap in the face to the honor code we agreed to abide by

XGC CRAZYNESS: Those who want to lead need to apply themselves and do that extra to show they really want it. Same as any promotion... you don't get one simply because you think you deserve it... you get one because you earned it. If you are simply just getting on to game and have fun then private is where its at. Moving beyond that point requires a little more responsibility for each rank... just like in COD games.. the points get higher to reach that next rank but with a little time and determination you get there.
Our clan structure clearly states what we need to do to get to that next rank. If he wanted it bad enough he would have or could have moved up.

Anonymous: Ive watched plenty of people get moved up to sgt just because theyve been in in the clan awhile post count on the forums and how many recruit you can bring in are deciding factors for I was told this when I was made captian

XGC CRAZYNESS: Well that is wrong... there is no set number of recruits needed to become SGT....

No I mean people just given sgt because they meet the minimum time requirement to make that rank

Well in that case the person doing the promoting better be careful because becoming SGT allows them an XG name if wanted and as a CPT you need to ask yourself a few questions before promoting to that rank... one of them being are they a good representation of XG. It states that they have to wait two weeks at the least to become SGT not that they get it regardless then. Each rank is to be earned and might take longer to achieve, however, I have seen that some clans will have their own ways of doing things​

XGC Layzie

XG Addict
Dec 17, 2012
Juggalo Island, USA
Well written crazyness. As I already told u before. As for the pyramid scheme comment. We encourage people recruit, be active on the site, and much more. if u do your duties for which ever rank you are. You shouldnt be stopped for promotions. only time a person shouldn't be promoted is if they are not doing their duties or if the rank above does not have room. Such as if its a captain or lieutenant rank. We can only have 1 captain & lieutenant per squad. If each squad has those then no one can rank up until another squad is made ot if someone decides to step down for what ever reason.


Dec 14, 2012
Norfolk, Va
I can relate to Anon. I personally don't like to hear, " well if you don't like the way things are going, leave. Don't let door hit you". I have been pressured by others to leave XG but I haven't because I love playing with some of the people here. Shoot. My clan was the most active it has been in awhile last night for a squad meeting! Granted our clan has been going downhill, but I gotta give a shoutout to Siththegreat111 for pulling everyone together for 3 hours of game time that XDC Nightfire has not seen in awhile. Back on subject, I use the website to view other clans and see how their communication is and compare it to my own and see it as," okay, this clan is doing good. What ideas are they playing with that will/can help my clan?" If anyone feels like your fellow XG brethren and sisters are not family, then reach out. If your shy, it's okay. We accept you anyway. You at least took the time and commitment to look us up, so I give myself the time and attention to reach out to everyone


Oct 15, 2012
Annapolis, Maryland, United States
This was a great read! I have to agree with my brother Joe though, I don't use Facebook as much because most of my friends on there don't game. I came to this community to meet and game it out with fellow game-aholics! :D
When I started with XGC Vigilance, R.I.P., I didn't realize how close knit and diverse everyone was. I figured majority of them lived all near each other and since 2012 a few of us keep in touch. As social as I am, I've made some of the best of friends through XG that have been there no matter what.
If you don't feel as close knit to anyone within the community, I'd be more than happy to talk to anyone who feels out of touch. Just PM me and I'd be more than happy to game with ya!

XGC Armadillo6

Jun 7, 2013
Laurel Nebraska
Hey bud very well said and I deffinatly agree with you. The website is not only fun and exciting to me but it is an amazing way to communicate an when I can't be on Xbox I am deffinatly on the forums not only on my clans page but on everyone else's too. I enjoy meeting new people and branching out and growing relationships with fellow clans and members. This community is a great community not only on Xbox but also online. I couldn't ask for a better place to call home


Forum Junkie
Dec 7, 2012
Explanation... Sorry lol

Listen here Lil Miss Spelling B.... BUZZ off!! ;) LOL

I fixed it, you happy now... Allow me to be the first to pin a rose on your nose!! Muahahahaha

Clearly a mistake on my part as it was nearing the end of my night.. If you looked at the original post in my Clans forum you will see I got it right.


XGC Pantheon
XGC Ragnarok
May 11, 2012
Seattle, WA
Listen here Lil Miss Spelling B.... BUZZ off!! ;) LOL

I fixed it, you happy now... Allow me to be the first to pin a rose on your nose!! Muahahahaha

Clearly a mistake on my part as it was nearing the end of my night.. If you looked at the original post in my Clans forum you will see I got it right.

LOL CRAZY! I was only giving you a hard time I promise!

It's a great post and I hope you don't mind if I post it on my forums for all of my clan to read!


Mar 27, 2006
somewhere on the internet
This is a good article and should be helpful to many.

Using the site is not a new issue as it has been dealt with since the beginning of the community.

Believe it or not this comes down to the type of gamer you are recruiting.

Understand that the site is a tool, resource and social network for the gaming world not just the community.

Those in the community that choose to be part of clans and the activities associated with the clans and community as a whole are more than likely going to participate on the site. It's impossible to be a leader in the community and not be on the site daily. It's where your community lives via the dotcom world so it's where you would need to be.

Going back to the recruiting thing, if you are on xbox playing with others not in the community and strike up a conversation ( you do talk to other people to get to know them prior to inviting them into your clan right? ) you will get a feel about who they are and you can ask questions like, do you have a computer? Do you get on it? Do you use any gaming sites to network with others? And so on.

Don't hit them with that right away though. Play some damn games and have fun and let that flow into the discussion over time.

If the person you are speaking to is like, screw a website and you still recruit them you can't be surprised if they never get on the website. LOL...

On the other hand, if they show interest in the site and ask things like, what the site address? What types of things do you all talk about on there?

You probably want to explore the possibility of inviting them into your clan.

This doesn't mean you kick the other guy to the curb, just realize what type of gamer you are dealing with.

You should always set the expectations upfront as well.
Meaning, let people know that outside the great enviroment this community offers it also offers an opportunity to become part of it's leadership if they would want to and in order to do that they would need to be active on the website moreso then just checking it out from time to time.

It's about communication and it's the best place to communicate with your clan mates as you can get on it from anywhere.

One last thing, if you are a leader in the community it would be hard to request your members to get on the site if you don't. Well you can do it but if you are not setting the example, they are not going to follow suit.
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XGC Muggle

Sep 10, 2013
While this is a great article, I can totally see both sides. While I'm only a private in my clan, I'm probably one of it not the most active person from my clan on the forums but I still feel overlooked on the forums because my clan isn't active on the forums.