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SYN Dark5ky

Aug 23, 2008
Unknown Island (Help Me)
What is special about this number? That, dear council members, is around the number of times I've posted on this website. Of course, If you look to the left of this post, you would realize that statement is clearly not supported. Now having lost over 5,000 posts, I feel the need to ask if, maybe, it would be in the cards for you and the rest of the wonderful XG Council to create a system where you don't lose posts when a clan is deleted. Frankly, I'm very proud of my post count, and seeing it cut almost in half over the past few months has concerned me. Now with AfterShock on the verge of shutting down, I am concerned that I wouldn't even be a Forum Junkie. The point is that people, like myself, who post relentlessly to make Xiled Gaming a more active community should be rewarded. Maybe not with money, maybe not a free membership subscription, I propose we just have our true post count show up next to our names. Hopefully you can agree, and even if you don't bring my post count back up, at least make me, and everyone else, immune to losing posts that were deleted with a clan.

XGC Caviezel XI

Council Leader
Jan 2, 2006
Hmmm that is a good idea. Its a good thing that the majority of us soft delete. Meaning people keep there post count. So lets look at mine. Hmmm not that many but wait I know I have had 1000s of post lost. You are preaching to the choir here Burning Sky.

SYN soonerbomb

Forum Veteran
Aug 15, 2009
I haven't lost nearly as many as you all, but I know this is my 3rd week being a member of the community and I was on a strong pace to hit a hundred a week average and the other day just as I hit 300 post mark I left work and went home. Logged back in for the night as I got on xbox live and posted on a thread and noticed I was missing 13 post and dropped me back out of the 300 range for the evening and set me a day behind. I just wish like sky said, there was a way to always save your post count even if a thread was deleted.


Jul 26, 2009
New York
i had about 1-10 deleted not sure why but i think i was it a good reason its just surpising that i didnt get a warning or anything saying it was going to be deleted

KoG Unstable

Forum Nub
Apr 2, 2009
Post count isn't important, and there are too many people that put way too much stock into it. People should have plenty of other reasons to post instead of trying to get their count up. In the end it doesn't matter if you have 100 posts or 1000 or 5000. Besides, on a personal note I'd rather not have a little glaring number under my name pointing out the fact I have no life! :)

SYN Dark5ky

Aug 23, 2008
Unknown Island (Help Me)
Hmmm that is a good idea. Its a good thing that the majority of us soft delete. Meaning people keep there post count. So lets look at mine. Hmmm not that many but wait I know I have had 1000s of post lost. You are preaching to the choir here Burning Sky.
I thought I might be……and I had been hoping that you would be seeing it my way and would, perhaps, want it changed also.
However, about a year ago, I learned that arguing with someone this high in rank has "BAN" written all over it, so you just do what you decide. I just think (and correct me if I'm wrong) that it would be relatively easy to allow people to keep their post count even when clans get deleted

Post count isn't important, and there are too many people that put way too much stock into it. People should have plenty of other reasons to post instead of trying to get their count up. In the end it doesn't matter if you have 100 posts or 1000 or 5000. Besides, on a personal note I'd rather not have a little glaring number under my name pointing out the fact I have no life! :)
haha, that "no life" thing made me laugh, cause its kinda true :eek: But that part about "post count doesn't matter". That's not really true. I mean, its like losing a picture of your late Grandma....it doesn't make a difference, but on a sentimental level, it really sucks. And after having 12,000+ posts and seeing close to half of em get deleted also sucks. It could also be compared to playing Team Slayer on Halo. What if you get 30 assists and 3 kills in one game. Sure, you helped your team win. That's what's important right? When really, people looking at the scoreboard are gonna probably think you suck and that you got carried. So like helping a team out in the long run, getting a high post count is something you want to be directly acknolledged for. Again, you could understand better if you had lost 5,000+ posts

SYN soonerbomb

Forum Veteran
Aug 15, 2009
I thought I might be……and I had been hoping that you would be seeing it my way and would, perhaps, want it changed also.
However, about a year ago, I learned that arguing with someone this high in rank has "BAN" written all over it, so you just do what you decide. I just think (and correct me if I'm wrong) that it would be relatively easy to allow people to keep their post count even when clans get deleted

haha, that "no life" thing made me laugh, cause its kinda true :eek: But that part about "post count doesn't matter". That's not really true. I mean, its like losing a picture of your late Grandma....it doesn't make a difference, but on a sentimental level, it really sucks. And after having 12,000+ posts and seeing close to half of em get deleted also sucks. It could also be compared to playing Team Slayer on Halo. What if you get 30 assists and 3 kills in one game. Sure, you helped your team win. That's what's important right? When really, people looking at the scoreboard are gonna probably think you suck and that you got carried. So like helping a team out in the long run, getting a high post count is something you want to be directly acknolledged for. Again, you could understand better if you had lost 5,000+ posts

Completely agreed upon! I really hope something can be done!

XGC Caviezel XI

Council Leader
Jan 2, 2006
I thought I might be……and I had been hoping that you would be seeing it my way and would, perhaps, want it changed also.
However, about a year ago, I learned that arguing with someone this high in rank has "BAN" written all over it, so you just do what you decide. I just think (and correct me if I'm wrong) that it would be relatively easy to allow people to keep their post count even when clans get deleted

How did my last post not see it your way. I mentioned how it happened to me. That I know that it is an issue. That it needs attention. It has been brought up many times. Though as of right now we have no definitive way of making it so people can keep their posts.

Now the BAN thing I have no idea where that is from. Why would you get Banned? We would just give you the answer or point you in the right direction. Lucky you came to me because Im pretty sure others would have said its just a number stop complaining. LOL

SYN Dark5ky

Aug 23, 2008
Unknown Island (Help Me)
Oh, okay....with all the "Hmmm's" and "Preaching to the choir" I got kinda confused. And I almost got banned when I argued about something with Labby back when he was over here, but I didn't actually think you were gonna ban me :rolleyes: lol


Carpel Tunnel
Aug 16, 2008
Post count isn't important, and there are too many people that put way too much stock into it. People should have plenty of other reasons to post instead of trying to get their count up. In the end it doesn't matter if you have 100 posts or 1000 or 5000. Besides, on a personal note I'd rather not have a little glaring number under my name pointing out the fact I have no life! :)

Ouch lol :)

ive lost at least 2-3 thousand posts mostly cuz of Final FIght :(


Mar 27, 2006
somewhere on the internet
He got banned for being dumb on the forums. sort of like his reply to Cav's post. I suggest we leave there before the BanHammer shows it's ugly head again. ;)

That said, it is a number that means nothing.

Vbulletin controls this not the Council. It is built into the program.

So, if you wish to ask someone about WHY, go ask the creator of vBulletin WHY and see what they tell you. Good luck with that. LOL!!


Forum Nub
Jul 20, 2009
ok, i remember a member that was once in XGC, XGC jordorunway, and he was having this same problem with losing post numbers, and a certain council member *cough* 0 0 7 *cough* calling him RETARDED for careing about his post count so much, so on that note, whats to say here?

XGC Caviezel XI

Council Leader
Jan 2, 2006
ok, i remember a member that was once in XGC, XGC jordorunway, and he was having this same problem with losing post numbers, and a certain council member *cough* 0 0 7 *cough* calling him RETARDED for careing about his post count so much, so on that note, whats to say here?

Hmmm well maybe we should go back and look at one of my previous posts.

I stated "Now the BAN thing I have no idea where that is from. Why would you get Banned? We would just give you the answer or point you in the right direction. Lucky you came to me because Im pretty sure others would have said its just a number stop complaining. LOL "

So I will go ahead and say it again. Lucky you came to me because Im pretty sure others would have said its just a number stop complaining. <--- look at the post 2 above and how they said its just a number. Also if I recall XGC jordorunaway thought it was a good idea posting the same thread. In every possible place he could instead of just one. Causing it to be spam. Yep thats what happened.


Forum Nub
Jul 20, 2009
did u even read his post? he was just trying to get a problem fixed, he said it was the only thing left he could think of doing cause no one was listening in the first place, but still to let a problem go for months with out fixing it is kinda ridiculus, which is what he was trying to get at. also someone else posted something kinda speaking the same thing a few weeks prior to wat he did, and he got in trouble for it, and he only posted one, they call it "drama" well personally i think its a problem that should be dealt with instead of over looked, but anyways, i dont wanna steal this thread with that so back to the post numbers, atleast someone is looking into the posting numbers problem... some people actually caer about those numbers because it shows how much work they've put into XGC to keep it active and up and going, but i guess it sounds like the website doesnt matter that much really?.... since posting and its "numbers" dont seem to matter at all...
Last edited:


Dec 10, 2006
The Murda Mitten
Well i come by and view this thread from time to time. lol! Burning just so you know you're post count number can be changed to be what it was before everything got deleted but it wont show you as the top poster because you're post count was edited. Just a heads up as you can have that number back with you're forum rank underneath just the title of most posts won't be there. Just my 2 cents! CHEA!!!

SYN MacDub2x7

Carpel Tunnel
Jan 27, 2008
Burning sky, i am partially with ya on this one, losing a great deal of my posts to the deletosaurus, it is saddening, if there was a way to fix this awesome, if not oh well ill get over it. however the point of posting is to continue to to keep your clan active and have fun, and whether or not a special little number and forum rank comes next to it isnt truly of high importance. Sure it looks great and all, but honestly, people will know your a b.a. poster when you are always posting. Like i have said before, you should look forward to the convos you are currently posting in and are to post in in the future, not the old ones that happened 6 months ago that have died away. Bottom line, post for the sake of your clan and because you enjoy it, not for some number that can be manipulated any which way by a click of an admin.