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  • then where did the sudden group decision to boycott me come from

    if it's because I told you all that the forums weren't yours then get over it. They aren't

    They're public forums and open to all members of XGC. They have your clans name over them to establish a general area for you and your members to congregate but you don't get to pick and choose the people that come in there.

    Sorry if that upsets you all
    I really just don't understand the animosity.

    We were discussing, he got upset, you're all upset

    what am I missing
    so you're saying I can't get it on the conversation you all have going on about me?

    I was just keeping it all in that thread until you all decided you were going to get butthurt about us talking about football.
    yeah then he does as far as saying its his forum. its our clans not yours. your not tony montana you dont own the world haha
    haha well i started the forum so i can close it whenever I want to. I can delete it if I wanted to. Its just that this guy is geting annoying. so yeah it isnt his forum he needs leave.
    im done with this guy die hard fans think there right so they argue until they think there right and if thats not enough they begin to cry. haha
    yeah but this guy loves the patriots and its funny because when you suck you need to admit it. like I know my team sucks I dont argue that the seahawks are going to superbowl like an idiot. if they cheated they cheated haha thats it!
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