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  • I'm gonna play some COD in a little bit lol. I haven't played it too much the past couple of days, maybe that's why I'm sick=P
    Just take min. and appriciate all that is good in this world! Nutin but luv 4 u!! Shhhh!watch the picture.......
    Mornin Sunshine!
    I've taken nothing "too far". Do you still maintain that I cheated? Who the hell gave you and your boyfriend permission to breed?
    Hey idiot. What made you think the sniper rifle starts with 8 shots instead of 12? I kicked your *** so bad, just accept your loss. "I counted 16 shots!?!". What the hell is wrong with you? I actually had 21 shots total. Why accuse someone of cheating, in an impossible fashion no less, just because you died so many times? Nice nose ring, you look like you belong on a farm; fat cow.
    Hey idiot. What made you think the sniper rifle starts with 8 shots instead of 12? I kicked your *** so bad, just accept your loss. "I counted 16 shots!?!". What the hell is wrong with you? I actually had 21 shots total. Why accuse someone of cheating, in an impossible fashion no less, just because you died so many times? Fat cow.
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