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  • Well Nom....you've amazed quite a few of us in your intrigue in XG and now the knowledge that you have chosen to seek out upon yourself to better off our Clan and our Community as well! So, Im very happy to see your promotion to Lieutenant! You have most definitely deserved it and have shown quality mannerism, while upholding yourself as a not just a member of Ol Skool, but now an Officer of the Dark Side! Congrats!
    What up, Noms!?! It was great hangin with you Saturday night! I stayed up way too late, but that was real fun! Enjoy your Monday!
    Hello Nom! I'd like to welcome you to XG and to XGC Ol Skool XK! I'm happy to have you here with us! Feel free to roam the forums, as there is so much that it offers! We got you situated into our Immortals Squad, which has been thriving as ell as the rest of our Clan! We hold our meetings on the Xbox1 every Monday night at our 5 pm our time. Its a great spot to get to meet other members and share any ideas or questions you may have. Once again, I welcome you and thank you for joining!
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