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Sections and Divisions getting to know each other:

SYN FinnyFloyd

Apr 5, 2014
Fort Polk, Lousiana
Over the past few months, one big thing I have picked up on that I only see sometimes is one clan playing with multiple other clans. When I was a Captain in Mythic, the only other clan we associated with in SYN Mythic was Xiled Kings. Then we split and merged into SYN Gods, and even with four other clans, it was still pretty quiet in terms of members playing with one or two other clans. When I first joined, it was not uncommon to have a game night and have members from 5 or 6 different clans participating and having a great time. Over the years, things have changed a lot, and things have changed for the better. I would like to see Generals down to the lowest rank of recruit, understanding that there are multiple clans within a Section/ Division. Also, they are fully capable of comprehending what clan they are a part of and being able to participate in clan activities while having a great time.