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Recruitment Guide lines


Section Leader
Nov 3, 2017
Before you go out recruiting, remember one thing; Why are you recruiting! Don't think of a goal that you have to fulfill, don't think that your clan needs to get more people because your numbers are low... Instead, remember why we are a community to begin with... We are friends, we are rivals, and above all we are gamers (most of us competitive but gamers none-the-less)!

The very first thing you want to do is go out there in matchmaking and be a shining example of what we are about in XGC. While doing this, talk to people, get to know them friend them. Before you even talk about having them join your clan, casually find out how old they are... Find out what their views on cheating are (by doing this before you read off the honor code when you recruit them you increase your chances of finding out if they are an avid cheater or something along those lines)... Once done, and you know how old they are and they are not a big time cheater, then you know which division you are recruiting for, if they are a day or more under the age of 18 you will not recruit them in XGC but instead, XGG (for the girls of any age) KoG (for any body of any age) or Syndicate (for those smack talkers of any age out there).

-Also find out if they have any other gamer tags in other online communities, and know that they cannot be in XGC while being in those other online communities.

Find out if they have any history with XGC: If they have ever been in XGC (KoG, Syndicate or XGC). If they have been in XGC before, know that they are not in XGC currently, and you will not recruit them, as they have left and our rules stand on former XGC members, regardless why they are not in, once you leave XGC you are not get back in unless the very rare circumstance comes to be, that they go before the council and allowed back in. (<--- My advice is not to waste your time.)
Use your best judgment on who you want to recruit, we recruit Quality over Quantity.

Now you are free to Recruit. Ask them if they would like to join. (Once you have gotten to know them and you are buddy-buddy with them, it's extremely easy now) If they have an interest in joining, go off these steps not in any particular order, JUST REMEMBER TO DO THEM.

Read off the entire Honor Code. Make sure they understand it and accept in and will follow it.

Tell them about the rank structure. Go over each rank starting with recruit and work your way up to council. Teach them how to Identify each rank... once done, make sure they will respect the chain of command as it is one of the pillars in our structure and organization.

Have them register on Xiledgaming.com & ClanCompete.com and have them make a post in your clan forums, that way you know they can find their way to your forums and that they know how to post. (Be sure to help them navigate through the site once they have registered here... They must register on this site with seven days of their recruitment.
Now, have them change their colors and get them a clan invite in the game, and then have them join your clan Officially here in the site. If a captain, or a general is not online make sure they are on your friends list and have them wait until your higher ups can send them an invite... (NOTE: A captain must be in the same party with them and will NEVER send an outstanding clan invite.) (((((((Captains, listen up! If they are in another clan, you must make them leave that clan first before you send them a clan invite. So you better your chance of not getting a "member glitch.

Every one is to recruit in the same way. It doesn't matter if they are family, friends since birth, or divine... You will make sure you recruit correctly

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