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KoG Daidan

Jan 24, 2017
Black Ops 4: Blackout

From the Call of Duty franchise, and placed within the 4th installment of the Black Ops series replacing the story mode is a new Battle Royale game. Ladies and gentlemen, THIS IS BLACKOUT!

Now I know you guys are tired of hearing about BR games, but this is the first time that the iconic COD franchise has come out with this type of mode. Most of you have already tried it, and know everything in it, but for those who don't I will give you a small look into the game.

Before I start discussing the game, for those who do not know what a Battle Royale game is, it is a survival of the fittest game mode. You drop in from a helicopter, parachute to your desired location with 80 people, on a map that is literally 125 times the size of Nuketown. You start off with nothing but your fists, and have to scavenge for weapons, armor, and health. Every few minutes a toxic wall moves in, and forces everyone to move to a central location. This is turn forces you to kill or be killed. Last man standing wins.

First off, let's talk about the different types of transportation. Air, Land, and Sea vehicles have all been added to enhance the play style for everyone. The Helicopter is a very unique way to get from one location to another. It is actually quite easy to control, can hold a full squad, with one driving and three at the doors shooting.

Land vehicles consist of Military Trucks and ATVs. The truck can take quite a bit of damage, and is the perfect option to take for your squad. The ATV can only hold two people, and you can easily be shot off of it, so use this at your own discretion.


The only Sea vehicle I found was a Boat, that is perfect for getting you across the water safely and undetected.

Next up is the weapons. Now, I can't go through and list all of them because there's so many that I didn't get to try them all, but I will give a shout out to two of them that I know everyone will love.

The Paladin Sniper is an absolute beast, that will easily drop anyone with just two shots. In my opinion, this gun is the equivalent of the AWM from PUBG.

The classic Ray Gun has now been added to the game, and it feels amazing to use and kill someone with. It takes three or four shots to kill someone, but come on, it's the ray gun!

Last but not least, I'm going to talk about the different locations in the map. Most, if not all, locations are based on past multiplayer and zombies maps. Nuketown, Cargo, Raid, Turbine, Express, and many more are all there. Yes, they might have different names, but it's all there. I won't go into all of them, but I would like to share an Easter Egg found. If you go to Asylum, go upstairs to the bathrooms, over to the furthest toilet to the left, flush it three times, and the song from the original Black Ops Zombies will play for everyone to hear.

That's all I have for today guys. Once the full version comes out, I will have more for everyone. Until then, I hope all of you enjoyed this article, and I'll see you all next time. Peace!
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