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XGC Zelda Coming BACK!


Forum Nub
Apr 7, 2024
Sooo I used to be in XGC on the good ol xbox 360. I went by XGC Zelda!! I'm back!! And need to clan to join I'm on PC and just got MW3 the other day I'm currently lvl 59 (Remember I just got the game 2 days ago)! But I'm back and will always remember the good ol times I had when I was a teenager!! Now i'm 29! Wowzers well if anyone needs a new member hmu! Also if anyone remembers me feel free to say HI! :D Thanks guys! Looking forward to getting back into some competitive COD! Also I only play HC !! I can do regular but prefer HC!

SYN Squirrel

Advanced Certified
May 20, 2020
Sooo I used to be in XGC on the good ol xbox 360. I went by XGC Zelda!! I'm back!! And need to clan to join I'm on PC and just got MW3 the other day I'm currently lvl 59 (Remember I just got the game 2 days ago)! But I'm back and will always remember the good ol times I had when I was a teenager!! Now i'm 29! Wowzers well if anyone needs a new member hmu! Also if anyone remembers me feel free to say HI! :D Thanks guys! Looking forward to getting back into some competitive COD! Also I only play HC !! I can do regular but prefer HC!
I’m a SYN gen. But, we main cod in my clan competitively as well as a couple others! Feel free to hit me up! If you are still a free agent😎