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General meeting notes


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
  • XGC Buffy XD - XGC Buffy XD

    XGC Buffy XD













    • Join Date: Jul 2015
    • Posts: 3464
    • Location: Thornton, Colorado
    • Occupation: Administrative Accounting Specialist
    • Send PM
    06-09-2019, 08:17 PM
    Meeting Notes 6/9/19
    Honor, Courage & Commitment
    Section Leaders

    General's Classes

    Please remember to let your Generals know that in order to sign up for an Advanced General's Class, they must have taken and completed the Intro to General's Class first. Please make sure they are not signing up for an Advanced class if they haven't completed and passed the Intro class.

    Discord / Social Media

    Clan groups on other external communication platforms such as Facebook, Kik, Line, Voxer, etc., are not allowed. They are to be deleted. We now have Discord servers for KoG, SYN and XGC that have channels for each clan to use for communication purposes. The purpose for having these servers is not for XD-XC-XI to micromanage or police your chats, it is to provide a benefit to all members in a central location.

    Knights & Dragons Mobile Game

    There is a mobile game that a guild for the Community has been created on called Knights and Dragons. The games servers are not compatible with each other however so, IOS cannot play with Android devices and vice versa. The guild for the Community is on Android and you must download the game on an Android device to join the guild but it is open to anyone in the community if you have an Android device. Please feel free to download the game, check it out and if you like it hit up XGC BRAIN XS to join the Xiled Gaming guild on it as well as if anyone has any questions about the game.

    XG Communication

    Any communication sent by any means other than Xbox Live, the Xbox App, the Xiled Gaming Club, the Xiled Gaming Website, or the Xiled Gaming Discord Server is not considered XG communication. This includes, but is not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, KiK, email, text, calls, mail, telepathy, Morse Code, and smoke signals.

    Xiled Gaming does not recommend communicating on these external channels because we do not police mobile apps. If you choose to use Non-XG Communication and receive messages that you don't like, that's on you. Any issue that arises in the community from Non-XG communication will be addressed accordingly. However, the Non-XG communication will not be a factor in the corrective action.

    Additionally, the Xiled Gaming Discord Server is mandatory for all XS-XD-XC-XI. In the event someone doesn’t have, want or chooses to leave the server, they are giving up their XS-XD-XC-XI position in the community. There is no acceptable reason to not be in our discord server. Prior to promotion, they must be asked if they accept. If not, they are not promoted.


    General's Classes

    Please remember that in order to sign up for an Advanced General's Class, you must have taken, completed and passed the Intro to General's Class first. Do not sign up for an Advanced class if you haven't completed and passed the Intro class.

    Discord / Social Media

    Clan groups on other external communication platforms such as Facebook, Kik, Line, Voxer, etc., are not allowed. They are to be deleted. We now have Discord servers for KoG, SYN and XGC that have channels for each clan to use for communication purposes. The purpose for having these servers is not for XD-XC-XI to micromanage or police your chats, it is to provide a benefit to all members in a central location.

    Knights & Dragons Mobile Game

    There is a mobile game that a guild for the Community has been created on called Knights and Dragons. The games servers are not compatible with each other however so, IOS cannot play with Android devices and vice versa. The guild for the Community is on Android and you must download the game on an Android device to join the guild but it is open to anyone in the community if you have an Android device. Please feel free to download the game, check it out and if you like it hit up XGC BRAIN XS to join the Xiled Gaming guild on it as well as if anyone has any questions about the game.

    King of the Kill Challenge

    We see a lot of you messaging for clan battles, which is great. We still have the King of the Kill challenge. Right now, the King of the Kill champions, are SYN Greed 7. https://www.xiledgaming.com/forum/xi...ng-of-the-hill < here is where you can find the leaderboards, and the challenge thread. Yes, it's competitive. But it is a chance for you and your members to grow better communication bonds as well as grow better player morale within your clan.

    X-Team Challenges

    The XTEAM also accepts challenges. If you think you have what it takes to defeat us. Bring it. Please remember when in an Xteam battle, all honor codes apply! With this link you can Challenge us. https://www.xiledgaming.com/forum/xi...m/challenge-us
    ** Remember while making a challenge for both King of the Kill and a challenge against the Xteam, It should be one week in advance!

    XG Communication

    Any communication sent by any means other than Xbox Live, the Xbox App, the Xiled Gaming Club, the Xiled Gaming Website, or the Xiled Gaming Discord Server is not considered XG communication. This includes, but is not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, KiK, email, text, calls, mail, telepathy, Morse Code, and smoke signals.

    Xiled Gaming does not recommend communicating on these external channels because we do not police mobile apps. If you choose to use Non-XG Communication and receive messages that you don't like, that's on you. Any issue that arises in the community from Non-XG communication will be addressed accordingly. However, the Non-XG communication will not be a factor in the corrective action.

    Additionally, the Xiled Gaming Discord Server is mandatory for all XS-XD-XC-XI. In the event someone doesn’t have, want or chooses to leave the server, they are giving up their XS-XD-XC-XI position in the community. There is no acceptable reason to not be in our discord server. Prior to promotion, they must be asked if they accept. If not, they are not promoted.

    No meetings next Sunday, June 16th due to Father's Day.

    Leadership Classes

    Intro to General's - Wednesday, June 12th @ 9pm EST hosted by XGC Fliggy XD
    Advanced General's Class - Wednesday, June 26th @ 9pm EST hosted by XGC Fliggy XD

    Community Events

    Black Ops 4 - Fight Club - Monday, June 10th @ 9pm EST hosted by SYN x Brave & XGC Keaton
    Black Ops 4 - Demolition Derby - Tuesday, June 11th @ 9pm EST hosted by SYN Grimster & XGC DAJI
    Halo 5 - Warzone Night - Saturday, June 22nd @ 9pm EST hosted by XGC Buffy XD & XGC StoneD4life
    Black Ops 4 - Game with Fame featuring SYN Ribon XS - Friday, June 28th @ 8pm EST hosted by XGC Buffy XD
    Post a question for Ribon here! - https://www.xiledgaming.com/forum/ge...ask-a-question
    XGC Division Leader 2/28/19

    leadership is not a position or a title, it is action and example.
    -cory booker

    hope strengthens. fear kills.
    -mackayla lane, shadowfever

    events team co-leader
    apply here!

    • Quote
    • Like0
  • XGC Buffy XD - XGC Buffy XD

    XGC Buffy XD













    • Join Date: Jul 2015
    • Posts: 3464
    • Location: Thornton, Colorado
    • Occupation: Administrative Accounting Specialist
    • Send PM
    06-23-2019, 08:08 PM
    Meeting Notes 6/23/19
    Setting Goals & Achieving Them

    Section Leaders

    Discord Servers

    As a reminder, there are now servers for each division (KoG, SYN & XGC) that you are encouraged to join, with separate channels for each individual clan, including an announcements and leadership only channel. If you need assistance assigning roles to your members or have any questions about how to use the server, please hit up the XDs and we'll be happy to help.

    Additionally, any clan servers or section servers that are still in existence need to be deleted ASAP. There is no requirement to join the division discord servers, except for XS and higher. If this isn't clear and you have questions please ask before sharing information that you aren't 100% confident about, as this just causes more issues if we're not all on the same page as each other.

    Section Updates

    Please make sure you are keeping up with your section update and posting it at least once a month, this will help you remember and keep track of progression within your clans so you know what to continue to work on with them. You should make edits as anything happens throughout the month, such as squad splits, demotions, promotions and anything else significant that should be noted.

    Defining Expectations & Goals

    When we as leaders are looking to accomplish goals, one of the greatest ways we can successfully achieve this is by being direct and communicating the outcome you want to see. This gives your leadership the opportunity to understand what you expect and how to succeed at it. Growth as a leader is a learning process, so if they need help then we guide them. If they fail to achieve the goal that is set forth, then this is the best opportunity to address how to find a solution and try a different way to accomplish the goal the next time around.

    X-Team Challenges

    The X-Team is seeking out challenges on multiplayer games, and will be challenging people across the community so keep your eyes out because you could be next!

    As always, the X-Team is accepting challenges from clans on any multiplayer games, so if you think your clan has what it takes submit your challenge here: https://www.xiledgaming.com/forum/xi...m/challenge-us

    Promoting Captains

    If you have a captain's spot open, please make it a priority to find the right person for that spot and promote them. Allowing squads to get close to or over 20 members only causes more stress for the general and the members, so training members and getting them ready for captain is something you and your general should always be talking about. Think long-term rather than short-term and what is best for the clan and the members.


    Discord Servers

    As a reminder, there are now servers for each division (KoG, SYN & XGC) that you are encouraged to join, with separate channels for each individual clan, including an announcements and leadership only channel. If you need assistance assigning roles to your members or have any questions about how to use the server, please hit up your XS or any XD for assistance.

    Additionally, any clan servers or section servers that are still in existence need to be deleted ASAP. There is no requirement to join the division discord servers, except for XS and higher. If this isn't clear and you have questions please ask before sharing information that you aren't 100% confident about, as this just causes more issues if we're not all on the same page as each other.

    Conan Exiles

    XGC Goodwin has a private server available for Conan Exiles, if interested hit him up on Xbox.

    Chain of Command

    Please ensure that you are using your chain of command to handle issues, ask questions, or share ideas with. If there's something that is really pressing and your leadership isn't online, that is a great time to use the open door policy, but for anything other than emergencies please be patient and get with your leadership when they are available.

    Defining Expectations & Goals

    When we as leaders are looking to accomplish goals, one of the greatest ways we can successfully achieve this is by being direct and communicating the outcome you want to see. This gives your leadership the opportunity to understand what you expect and how to succeed at it. Growth as a leader is a learning process, so if they need help then we guide them. If they fail to achieve the goal that is set forth, then this is the best opportunity to address how to find a solution and try a different way to accomplish the goal the next time around.

    X-Team Challenges

    The X-Team is seeking out challenges on multiplayer games, and will be challenging people across the community so keep your eyes out because you could be next!

    As always, the X-Team is accepting challenges from clans on any multiplayer games, so if you think your clan has what it takes submit your challenge here: https://www.xiledgaming.com/forum/xi...m/challenge-us

    Leadership Classes

    Captain's Class
    Sunday, June 30th @ 6pm EST hosted by SYN TINTIGG XS

    Advanced General's Class
    Wednesday, June 26th @ 9pm EST hosted by XGC Fliggy XD

    Community Events

    June Game with Fame: featuring SYN Ribon XS
    Friday, June 28th @ 8pm EST on Black Ops 4, hosted by XGC Buffy XD

    Rainbow 6 Siege Game Night
    Saturday, June 29th @ 9pm EST hosted by XGC Keaton & KoG LOTUS XS
    Last edited by XGC Buffy XD; 06-23-2019, 08:25 PM.
    XGC Division Leader 2/28/19

    leadership is not a position or a title, it is action and example.
    -cory booker

    hope strengthens. fear kills.
    -mackayla lane, shadowfever

    events team co-leader
    apply here!

    • Quote
    • Like0
  • XGC Buffy XD - XGC Buffy XD

    XGC Buffy XD













    • Join Date: Jul 2015
    • Posts: 3464
    • Location: Thornton, Colorado
    • Occupation: Administrative Accounting Specialist
    • Send PM
    06-30-2019, 08:00 PM
    Meeting Notes 6/30/19

    **Please celebrate 4th of July safely and don't blow off your fingers or thumbs, you'll need those for gaming later**

    Section Leaders

    Summer Activity / Vacations

    As we get into summer, please realize that this is usually a time where people take vacations, spend more time outside and with that, less time on the Xbox. With that in mind, remember that communication is the key to success and that if you are going to be out of town for vacation to please let us know so that your clans can be looked after for you until you get back. Your leadership needs to do the same thing and inform you so you aren't surprised when you don't see them online for an extended period of time.

    Additionally, if you are considering removing members for inactivity, please keep this in mind. If someone is off the Xbox for a week, that is definitely not grounds to remove them for inactivity, but keep on top of all members during this slow time.

    Clan & Squad Lists

    Reminder that clan and squad lists are due by 11:59pm EST tonight. If your General is unable to post their list on time, you need to be posting it for them. If a Captain isn't able to post their squad list, the General should be posting it for them.

    Generals Classes

    There are quite a few Generals who don't have any classes done, these should be a priority to complete after being promoted so again, if your General's need a class on a certain day or time please reach out so an instructor can get one posted for them. These classes are critical for making sure all leadership is on the same page and has received proper training to be successful in their role, as well as possibly move up in the future if that's something they want.


    Summer Activity / Vacations

    As we get into summer, please realize that this is usually a time where people take vacations, spend more time outside and with that, less time on the Xbox. With that in mind, remember that communication is the key to success and that if you are going to be out of town for vacation to let your leadership know.

    Additionally, if you are considering removing members for inactivity, please keep this in mind. If someone is off the Xbox for a week, that is definitely not grounds to remove them for inactivity, but keep on top of all members during this slow time.

    Clan & Squad Lists

    Reminder that clan and squad lists are due by 11:59pm EST tonight. If you are unable to post your list on time, your XS will be posting it for you and following up with you as to why it wasn't done. If a Captain isn't able to post their squad list, you as General should be posting it for them and following up with them as to why it wasn't done on time. Make sure it is a brand new reply, not just editing the existing list, as editing should be happening throughout the month as changes happen in the squad and clan.

    X-Team Challenges

    The X-Team is looking for challenges from clans as always, but are also issuing challenges to individuals as well! Think you have what it takes to challenge the X-Team? Post your challenge here:

    Leadership Classes

    If you need a Captain's Class or General's Class, please let your leadership know, especially if you need it at a different time of day than they are usually held (9pm-10pm EST)

    Intro to General's Class on July 9th @ 9pm EST by XGC ACE518 XD
    Advanced General's Class on July 13th @ 9pm EST by XGC ACE518 XD

    Community Events

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
    Michael Myers Game Night
    Monday, July 8th @ 9:30pm EST

    Looking for a game night on a certain game? Request a game night through the Xiled Events Team here:
    XGC Division Leader 2/28/19

    leadership is not a position or a title, it is action and example.
    -cory booker

    hope strengthens. fear kills.
    -mackayla lane, shadowfever

    events team co-leader
    apply here!

    • Quote
    • Like0



Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Section Leaders

Leadership Decision-Making

When making decisions about removing members from the clan or issuing warnings, the only people that should be involved are the Section Leader, General, and possibly the captain and/or lieutenant. Decisions have to be based on what is best for the clan, division, and/or community as a whole, and the reason we have leadership is because you are expected to make those tough decisions, regardless of personal feelings or friendships.

Asking Questions

When a situation arises that you don't know how to handle, or if someone asks you a question you aren't sure of the answer to, please reach out to your chain of command to get the answer. We would always rather have you ask the question than to take incorrect action and have to correct it later!

Clan Games / No Member Left Behind

As you all probably know, the new Modern Warfare released a couple of days ago. Do any of your clans need a Primary Game update? Post an Update Clan request on the Help Desk so we can ensure this information is current and up to date. If there are members in any of your clans who are not getting the new game, it is you and your General's responsibility to get them into a clan where they have other people to still game with. Make this a top priority over this week.

Relationships in XG

To clarify last week's meeting note regarding relationships / family members being in the same clans, squads, or sections - neither member can hold a leadership rank. For example, if a Section Leader has a family member or significant other as a sergeant in their section, that is fine, but if that person wants to move into leadership they would need to transfer to a different clan under another section leader. If you need clarification, please ask before taking action.


The purpose of this rule is to ensure promotions are not being handed out to people due to favoritism or nepotism, as that is not how promotions are earned.

Clan & Squad Lists

Clan and Squad lists are due by 11:59pm EST on Thursday, October 31st - ensure all your General's have posted their clan list, if they fail to do so it is your responsibility to post the clan list in their place as well as to follow up about why they didn't get it done. If a captain isn't able to post their squad list, the General should be posting in their stead and following up with them as well. You should be comparing the clan list and usergroup to ensure they match, hit up an XD if you need an updated copy of your usergroup.


Leadership Decision-Making

When making decisions about removing members from the clan or issuing warnings, the only people that should be involved are you, your Section Leader, and possibly your captain and/or lieutenant. Decisions have to be based on what is best for the clan, division, and/or community as a whole, and the reason we have leadership is because you are expected to make those tough decisions, regardless of personal feelings or friendships.

Asking Questions

When a situation arises that you don't know how to handle, or if someone asks you a question you aren't sure of the answer to, please reach out to your chain of command to get the answer. We would always rather have you ask the question than to take incorrect action and have to correct it later!

Clan Games / No Member Left Behind

As you all probably know, the new Modern Warfare released a couple of days ago. Do any of your clans need a Primary Game update? Post an Update Clan request on the Help Desk so we can ensure this information is current and up to date. If there are members in any of your clans who are not getting the new game, it is you and your General's responsibility to get them into a clan where they have other people to still game with. Make this a top priority over this week.

Relationships in XG

To clarify last week's meeting note regarding relationships / family members being in the same clans, squads, or sections - neither member can hold a leadership rank. For example, if a Section Leader has a family member or significant other as a sergeant in their section, that is fine, but if that person wants to move into leadership they would need to transfer to a different clan under another section leader. If you need clarification, please ask before taking action.


The purpose of this rule is to ensure promotions are not being handed out to people due to favoritism or nepotism, as that is not how promotions are earned.

Clan & Squad Lists

Clan and Squad lists are due by 11:59pm EST on Thursday, October 31st - ensure you have posted your clan list by this time. If a captain isn't able to post their squad list, you should be posting in their stead and following up with them about why they didn't get it done. You should be comparing the clan list and usergroup to ensure they match, hit up your XS or an XD if you need an updated copy of your usergroup.

Community Wide Events

Thursday, October 31st @ 9pm EST
Hosts: KoG xMeliodasx & XGC Keaton


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Training Your Replacement

All leadership ranks are responsible for making sure that they train their own replacement. This is also known as building your leadership pipeline. If a Captain has to step down for personal reasons, their LT should be ready to take their place without waiting several weeks for training to take place. If you aren't preparing for these situations proactively and holding your leadership accountable for their rank responsibilities, your clan will not be able to move forward and be successful. If you don't know what to do in order to overcome an issue in your clan, ask your XS or use the open door policy to find out, don't just wait until the issue happens, focus on preventing the issue from ever occurring.

Setting Goals

You should be working with your clans and leaders to ensure they are setting goals for themselves on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. What do you do on a daily basis to move your clans and leaders forward? How are they moving forward in their progression as leaders and helping those below them succeed and get to their next step? If they aren't moving forward and pushing themselves and others forward, they are stagnant. Make sure this isn't happening with any of your clans, and if it is, figure out how to get them out of their rut. If they aren't upholding their responsibilities, you need to train them or find a new leader.

Leadership Classes

These classes are designed to help your leadership obtain the knowledge to move forward as a successful leader. The only classes that are MANDATORY are the General's Classes and Section Leader's class. The Captain class is not mandatory but highly recommended. In the event a captain hasn't taken the class, work with him/her and try to get them in one as it will help when they move up in leadership. There is NO penalty for a captain not taking the class so we do not demote Captains just because they haven’t taken the Captain class.

Clan Sizes

Generals, when your clan is moving towards 25-30 members, your XS and yourself should be developing a plan for a clan split and getting your leadership ready. The optimized clan should have 20-30 members with full leadership and replacements ready to go. When looking at number of squads in your clan, you do not need to have a specific number of squads in order to do a clan split - clan splits are done when leadership is ready. We have the Clan Structure in place for a reason. Squad splits should be taking place when members have earned that promotion and shown that they will be able to run a successful squad.

Know The Basics

Make sure you and your leaders know where to find all of the basic leadership tools on the website, such as the clan structure, rank structure, and promotion requirements. You should be able to help all members on where to find these as well. If you haven't looked through the XG Bible, that is also a great resource for both you and your Generals to be able to view answers from XC/XI on questions that have been posted over the years on a wide variety of topics. If you aren't sure on an answer, that is a great place to look if nobody is available to pull into a party at that time, if you can't find an answer anywhere you can start a thread yourself to get a response.

Clan/Squad Lists

Remember, these are mandatory and are due BY the 1st and 15th of each month. They may be posted up to 3 days in advance, so if you or your Captain needs to post early, make sure you do so, rather than posting late.

Stay In Your Lane

As a General, it is your responsibility to run a successful clan. In order to do so, you must focus on you and your clan first, not what is going on in other clans. If an issue arises between one of your members and a member in another clan, bring it to your Section Leaders' attention immediately so it can be handled. If a member from another clan comes to you with an issue, direct them to their leadership first, or tell them to utilize the open door policy and hit up an XD/XC/XI if it isn't being handled.

Promotion Requirements

These will be getting updated later this week, keep your eyes open for when they are posted!

Leadership Training Classes

Intro to Generals Class
Monday, November 18th @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Fliggy XD

Community Wide Events

Modern Warfare
Saturday, November 16th @ 8pm EST
Hosts: CocoaMarley94 & XGC Buffy XD

Friday the 13th
Saturday, November 16th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: KoG Alucard & KoG xMELIODASx

For Honor
Monday, November 18th @ 10pm EST
Hosts: KoG Anastasia & KoG xMELIODASx


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018


As always, recruiting needs to be happening in all clans, at all times. This is to keep the clan from becoming stagnant and dying when people go inactive, leave, or have to step away due to real life. We expect recruiting from all members, but especially from leadership - all leaders need to lead by example and bring in quality members who fit in well with the clan and squad, not just a bunch of members who don't actually want to participate and end up falling off anyways.

Recycling Leadership

We do NOT recycle leadership. Just because someone has previously been in leadership does not mean they are the right person for leadership currently. Evaluate all members the same, regardless of past experience or knowledge, and see who earns the promotion by being a positive example in the clan and moving the clan forward. If you allow your judgment to be influenced by friendships and what people tell you instead of letting their actions speak for themselves, you and your leaders will have trained your future leadership to be the same way. If you don't know what you should be looking for when promoting leaders, ask questions and use your chain command or the open door if needed.

Handling Issues

When handling problems or issues that arise, you should be approaching them rationally, not emotionally. Get both sides of the story prior to making decisions, and don't handle warnings without having a peer or higher present, in order to prevent any he said she said being brought up down the road.

Remain professional at all times with your interactions, whether it's in party, through Xbox messages, or on Discord. The example you set as a leader sets the tone for those members whom you interact with, whether they are in your section or not.


You as a General will be held accountable for your rank responsibilities, and you need to do the same with your leadership beneath you. If they are not fulfilling their responsibilities, find out why and explain to them what they need to do in order to remain a leader and move forward and grow. If they aren't understanding what they need to do no matter what you try, ask for help from a peer or a higher-up. If they just can't learn, the tough decision has to be made to demote them from that rank so they aren't preventing the clan from progressing. Train your leaders to be able to make these difficult decisions so you are preparing them for their next step as well, as they will not be promoted if they can't make those calls themselves.

Leadership Training Classes

Captain's Class
Wednesday, November 20th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by: SYN LadyRebl XS

Intro to General's Class
Monday, November 18th @ 8pm EST
Hosted by: XGC Fliggy XD

Community Wide Events

For Honor
Monday, November 18th @ 10pm EST
Hosts: KoG Anastasia & KoG xMELIODASx

Modern Warfare
Saturday, November 23rd @ 8pm EST
Hosts: KoG LOTUS XS & XGC Horus XS

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
Saturday, November 23rd @ 7:30pm EST
Hosts: XGC ONYX XS & SYN Entice


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Meeting Notes 12/15/19
Happy Holidays!!!
Section Leaders

Holiday Break

Christmas and New Years is here again! Remember, this is a time where members can be distant and sometimes unresponsive due to traveling and spending time with family, so patience is going to be needed. There are no meetings required until after the New Year but try to communicate with your members as best you can and hold games nights to keep activity up. Also I'm sure a lot of people will be getting new games over the holiday so let's not forget the recruitment opportunities. Overall, be safe, have fun with family and friends and enjoy the holidays!!

If you will be gone for an extended period of time, please communicate this both to us XDs and to your clans, and direct them to the open door policy if they need assistance while you aren't around.


Holiday Break

Christmas and New Years is here again! Remember, this is a time where members can be distant and sometimes unresponsive due to traveling and spending time with family, so patience is going to be needed. There are no meetings required until after the New Year but try to communicate with your members as best you can and hold games nights to keep activity up. Also I'm sure a lot of people will be getting new games over the holiday so let's not forget the recruitment opportunities. Overall, be safe, have fun with family and friends and enjoy the holidays!!

If you will be gone for an extended period of time, please communicate this to your XS as well as your leadership and clan, and direct them to the open door policy if they need assistance while you aren't around.

Leadership Training Classes

Captain's Class
Friday, December 20th @ 6pm EST
Hosted by SYN LadyRebl XS

Advanced General's Class
Friday, December 20th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by XGC ACE518 XD

Intro to General's Class
Saturday, December 21st @ 9pm EST
Hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC

Community Wide Events

Modern Warfare
Friday, December 20th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: XGC Poptart & XGC Buffy XD

Halo 5: Guardians
Friday, December 20th @ 8pm EST
Hosts: XGC Horus XS & XGC Iris

Destiny 2
Saturday, December 21st @ 11pm EST
Hosts: XGC Horus XS & XGC Buffy XD

Modern Warfare
Thursday, January 2nd @ 11pm EST
Hosts: XGC Horus XS & XGC Iris

XG's 14th Birthday Party!!!
Saturday, January 4th @ 8pm EST
Lobbies on Modern Warfare, BO4, Siege, Destiny 2 and more! Stay tuned for details!


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018

Meeting Notes

When running your clan meeting, you should not be reading the meeting notes word for word exactly as they are written. Make sure you are saying them in a way that gets the main meaning of the note across while encouraging discussion and questions. Everyone can pull up the notes and read them, the reason we hold meetings is because text can never truly convey the meaning as well as them being said verbally and heard. Do not "speed through" the notes to get your meeting done quickly as that defeats the purpose of even doing the meeting.

Clan meeting notes should cover anything that is pertinent to all members, so notes that only apply to Generals or leadership shouldn't be passed down for all members to hear during your clan meeting. Make sure you are bringing up clan specific items during clan meetings that aren't a part of the community wide notes, such as upcoming squad splits, clan splits, clan game nights, recruiting goals and promotions and anything else you feel everyone in the clan should know about. Your clan meeting is a place to keep people up to date with anything happening in the clan and to give them a place to ask questions, voice their opinions or concerns, and network with the people in the clan.

Additionally, if you or your General are unable to make it to Sunday's meeting, you are responsible for reading the notes as soon as possible and knowing what was meant by them. If you or your Generals have questions about the notes, hit up any XD.

New Member Registration

When a new recruit is registering on the website for the first time, it is very important that they are using the the same spelling on the website as their Xbox Live gamertag. If they register with a different name, please have them submit a Login Name Request on the Help Desk to ensure the clan list and usergroup are matching. Do NOT have them register again with the correct username, as we don't want anyone to have more than one account on the website.

If a member creates a duplicate account, please hit up an admin so the two accounts can be merged together into the correct username.

Be sure to check all add and remove requests to see if there were any issues or discrepancies found by the admin who handled the request, if a username is not found when trying to do an add request it will be denied and have to be resubmitted, causing more work for you and your Generals than is necessary.

Grass Wasn't Greener

We do not use the GWG to look for potential members, if someone is approved to come back through the GWG and wants to go into a specific clan that will be determined by the XD handling placement (for members who pay to come back). Anyone approved No Purchase can choose any clan they would like, if they don't know what clan they'd like to go to they can hit up any XD for assistance.

Leadership Attitude

Make sure you as a leader, as well as the leadership in your clans, have a positive attitude and are representing the community in a positive manner, whether it be in a party, Xbox messages, or Discord. If someone isn't in a good state of mind to be handling issues or to be in a party full of members, be sure they take a step back and remove themself from the party until they can handle the situation rationally.

Playing To Win

As a community, we need to get back to playing to win. Learning game strategies and teaching them to new and current clan members will bring your clans/squads together and encourage communication, which is the key to success! See the article on the homepage of the website here if you haven't checked it out yet. https://www.xiledgaming.com/3222876-we-play-to-win

Cross-Platform Recruiting

Xiled Gaming is now accepting recruits that are able to communicate over the Xbox app, Discord, and the website. With this in mind, please remember that the most important responsibility in every clan is to ensure all members are able to play with their squad and clan members, with no member left behind!
For more details, please see the post on the home page here: https://www.xiledgaming.com/3222875-...orm-recruiting

Leadership Training Classes

Advanced General's Class
Wednesday, January 22nd @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Fliggy XD

Community Wide Events

Monopoly Plus
Friday, January 24th @ 8pm EST
Hosts: KoG xFAMEEx & XGC Buffy XD

Modern Warfare
Saturday, January 25th @ 8pm EST

Rainbow 6: Siege
Saturday, February 1st @ 9pm EST
Hosts: SYNSchweetss, SYN Entice & XGC Poptart


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018

Leadership Training Classes

When Captains or Generals sign up for a class and aren't able to make it, please let them know that they should make the effort to message the teacher whenever possible to let them know. That way the class isn't held up and someone else could possibly take their spot who is able to attend. It is respectful to the teacher who is taking time out of their day to teach the class.

Clan Forum Moderation

One of your responsibilities as a section leader is to ensure that your clan forums are moderated correctly. If your General has moderator, you still need to double check that they are actually using it correctly and helping them if they have any questions. It ultimately falls on you to ensure this is done, if it isn't then you will be held accountable.

Being A Proactive Leader

Don’t wait for an issue to arise before you get involved with your clans or your members, by then it may be too late. There should be continuous training on the fundamentals of XG.

Proactively address issues - if one of your leaders is having issues in a particular area or they are lacking certain leadership skills, you should work with them on these issues and provide them the resources necessary to be an effective leader for their members. Don’t put off having the conversations with them until the only option is replacing them. Seek out help if you need it.

Goal Follow-Up

We are through the first month of 2020 - what progress have you made on the goals you set for you, your clan, and your leadership? Having conversations throughout each week about what is being done to move forward must happen with both your leadership and with your clan as a whole. If you aren't already spotting potential future leaders from amongst your sergeants, privates and recruits, you need to always be on the lookout for that.

Having discussions about what isn't working shouldn't be a negative conversation - if you continue to try to do the same thing and are unsuccessful every time, it's time to try something else. If you are having trouble coming up with new ideas, reach out to your peers, your XS, or using the open door policy before it gets to the point of no return in your clan. Use your resources!

Handling Issues

Section leaders, if you aren't 100% sure how to handle something within your clans please ask a XD. If you as Section leaders are doing simple things that your generals or captains should be doing, you're not teaching them anything...instead you should be walking them through how to handle said situation. You are in your position to guide and teach...handling things for them without letting them do it is hindering them as leaders and is counterproductive.

Training Conversations

When speaking to your members, remember that every conversation is a training opportunity. You should be teaching them and explaining things in a positive way. Don't "do it for them." They don't learn anything that way. And NEVER take their word at face value! Dig in and find out the real story. A lot of leaders get a bit apprehensive about admitting they need help. This is why it's important to ask questions to know where to focus your time and attention. If you as leaders don't ask, you can't help. Don't wait for them to come to you.

Leadership Training Classes

Moderator Class
Tuesday, February 11th @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC BUCS XD

Intro to General's Class
Monday, February 24th @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Fliggy XD

Community Wide Events

Bloody Valentine Night
Friday, February 14th @ 8pm EST

Friday the 13th - XGC Buffy XD & XGC Iris
Dead by Daylight - KoG Alucard & XGC Poptart
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - XGC MD Fishn & XGC Jinxx
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - SYN x Brave & XGC ONYX XS
Rainbow 6: Siege - KoG MamaCoco XS & XGC Horus XS

Modern Warfare
Tuesday, February 18th @ 8pm EST
Hosts: SYN x Brave & XGC HELLFURY

Modern Warfare
Friday, February 21st @ 8pm EST
Hosts: SYN JAChelle XS & XGC Buffy XD


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Modern Warfare Cyber Attack Tournament!

On Saturday, February 29th, Xiled Gaming is hosting a 4v4 Core Cyber Attack Tournament on Call of Duty Modern Warfare beginning at 8:30pm EST. Sign-ups and rules are on Clan Compete, if you have any questions please hit up the tournament administrators, XGC xTFLEMx XI and XGC Traitor XC. https://www.clancompete.com/tourname...4-Cyber-Attack

If you don't have the game or aren't able to participate, make sure to tune in to www.mixer.com/xiledgaming to check out the matches and support the stream!

Xiled Gaming Clubs

Any clubs created on Xbox need to be approved by XC/XI to ensure they are representing the community in the best way. If you have an idea for a club, bring it up the chain of command before creating anything yourself.

As a reminder, we have the official Xiled Gaming Club on Xbox that is open to all members in all divisions, anyone who hasn't joined the club should send a request in to join and it will be handled by a club admin as soon as possible.

Xiled Gaming does not have any alliances with any other clans or communities!

Clan/Squad Lists

When you have changes with your Clan/Squad happening such as bringing in a new recruit, people being promoted or demoted, these changes impact your lists. You need to be sure to update your lists as they happen not a week later.

We understand you may not be able to get to it right that second, but it should not take more than a day to update these as they happen. Especially when it's a change in your leadership.

Ensure that you as General as well as your captain(s) are keeping their lists updated and follow up with them if they aren't - you should not be editing their lists for them except in very rare circumstances.

Leadership Training Classes

Captain's Class
Monday, February 17th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC

Intro to General's Class
Wednesday, February 19th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC

Intro to General's Class
Monday, February 24th @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Fliggy XD

Advanced General's Class
Tuesday, February 25th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC

Moderator's Class
Friday, February 28th @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Fliggy XD

Community Wide Events

Modern Warfare
Friday, February 21st @ 8pm EST
Hosts: SYN JAChelle XS & XGC Buffy XD

Modern Warfare
Saturday, February 22nd @ 9pm EST
Hosts: XGC StaleDonuts & XGC Buffy XD

Modern Warfare
Thursday, February 27th @ 8pm EST
Hosts: XGC Jinxx & XGC MD Fishn

Black Ops 4
Friday, February 28th @ 10:30pm EST
Hosts: XGC Icee & XGC Buffy XD

Rainbow 6: Siege
Friday, March 6th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: XGC Jinxx & XGC Poptart

Saturday, March 7th @ 8pm EST
Hosts: KoG MamaCoco XS & XGC Jinxx

Request a Game Night here: https://www.xiledgaming.com/forum/xi...t-a-game-night


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018

Being A Successful Clan

Daily clan activities, weekly clan and squad meetings and leadership meetings are just a few ingredients that create a successful clan. The main reason people join our community is to find people that they enjoying gaming and hanging out with on a regular basis so they never have to play alone, unless they want to.

When talking to your members and leadership, ask them what they enjoy about the clan and if they have any ideas for making the clan better and more fun - sometimes people have these ideas but never bring them up unless asked specifically. If your clan members are happy they are a lot less likely to want to leave or fall victim to poaching from other communities.

If you ever need help/ideas/suggestions, use your chain of command or the open door policy. We can't read minds, and while we try to check in with as many people as possible, we never want you to feel that you can't reach out. Even if it's just to share something good that happened in your clan that week, we love to hear it.


When recruiting members, make sure you research them fully. Some who have left or been removed can easily change their gamer tags to sneak back in without filling out a GWG application. If you notice something that seems questionable, ask your XS or XD for further assistance in the research. This way we can keep the negative out of our clans and the community.

If someone mentions that they were in another division previously, that's also an indication that they may need a GWG application.

When someone posts a GWG application and you have further information regarding that person, do not post in the thread. Only XS and higher are allowed to post on GWG applications. Be sure to let your leadership know if you have further information on an application.

Future Tournaments

We are open to ideas for future tournaments via Clan Compete. If there is something that you’d like to see, communicate it with your leadership. Be on the look out for a poll on the XG discord to vote on which tournament will be held next!

Clan and Squad Lists:

Reminder that clan and squad lists are due today. If they haven't been done, please ensure they are getting done. Follow up with your Captains to see if they need assistance with their lists if they are having trouble.

Leadership Training Classes

Captain's Class
Friday, March 6th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by KoG LOTUS XS

Captain's Class
Saturday, March 7th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by KoG LOTUS XS

Community Wide Events

Rainbow 6: Siege
Friday, March 6th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: XGC ONYX XS & XGC Poptart

Saturday, March 7th @ 8pm EST
Hosts: KoG MamaCoco XS & XGC ONYX XS

Black Ops 4
Saturday, March 7th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: XGC Icee & XGC Buffy XD

Black Ops 4
Thursday, March 12th @ 8pm EST
Hosts: XGC MD Fishn & KoG MamaCoco XS

Friday the 13th
Friday, March 13th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: XGC Iris & XGC Poptart

Black Ops 4
Friday, March 20th @ 9pm EST

Destiny 2
Saturday, March 21st @ 9pm EST
Hosts: XGC Demoncrow & XGC Buffy XD


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Add Requests

When putting requests in the help desk, PLEASE make sure to verify the correct spelling is being used for the member's registered name. Usernames should match their Xbox Live Gamertag, no exceptions. We have been getting a lot of requests with names that aren't spelled correctly, or that aren't found, which will result in your request being denied and needing to be resubmitted. You can search to make sure new recruits are registered by using the advanced search feature and typing their gamertag into the "Members" box. If you do not know how to do this, please ask your leadership who will be happy to show you how.

Clan Meetings

Weekly clan meetings are MANDATORY no exceptions. If you're experiencing low attendance consistently it's your responsibility as the General over your clan to communicate that as an issue to your Section Leader to discuss solutions for the problem. As leaders we should look at what we can improve on to boost the attendance rather than not hosting meeting for weeks, that's unacceptable. Every clan isn't perfect so there should be something that can be talked about to better our members experience here in the community.

Clan & Squad Activity

When interacting with your clans and members, you should be noticing things such as how many people are partied up and gaming with each other, if they are actually online on a consistent basis, and whether or not they are actively participating with clan and squad meetings as well as in game. Leaving members on a clan or squad list that are not active will come back to bite you later on, especially when considering things such as squad splits and clan splits. Knowing when members are available to play and attend meetings should be something that you and your leadership are always thinking about so you can tell when something is off.

Leadership Training Classes

Captain's Class
Friday, March 20th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by KoG LOTUS XS

Advanced General's Class
Monday, March 16th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC

Community Wide Events

Black Ops 4
Friday, March 20th @ 9pm EST

Destiny 2
Saturday, March 21st @ 9pm EST
Hosts: XGC Demoncrow & XGC Buffy XD


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Other Community Websites

Members of XG do not need to create profiles on any other community's website with the intent of finding out information about what they are doing. Your time should be spent focusing on your responsibilities as a General and on helping your clan, both by building and training your leadership, and letting the people who chose to leave do the same.

If they decide to return to XG later, let them use the GWG as that is why it is there.

Attitude When Online

When you get online, you should be having a positive attitude, especially in parties with your leadership and clan members. We all get online to game and have fun, and you are an example of that to any members you come in contact with. When you have to step away and handle issues or sensitive matters, if you need a few minutes to compose yourself before you head right back into a party, make sure you take them and decompress. Ask for help if you're feeling like you never get to have any fun when you're online because that should never be the case.

Additionally, when handling any sensitive clan business, make sure you are keeping the people who are in the party limited to your leadership or anyone involved in the situation. Bringing issues up in front of your lower-ranking members should never be happening, especially if it's going to make them want to leave the community as a result. If they're in the community to just have fun and game, be considerate of that and let them do exactly that.

Teaching the Honor Code

When reading the Honor Code to a new recruit, you must read the entirety of it verbatim. New members who come into Xiled Gaming are not aware of our rules and guidelines, so therefore any questions that they have should be answered accordingly so they understand. Under no circumstances do we summarize the Honor Code. Ensure that you know this and anybody who reads new recruits in from your clan, leadership or otherwise..

Clan Meeting Notes

When you do your clan meeting, you should be reading any of these notes that apply to your clan members, and also adding anything that is specifically going on in your clan. Updates on goals, upcoming clan or squad splits, what the game nights for the clan and squad(s) are for the week, and anything else relevant.

We shouldn't be seeing a copy and paste of the General's Meeting Notes, especially when the notes are about things that don't pertain to them, such as Help Desk requests or any General specific tasks that wouldn't apply to them. You must post your clan meeting notes and attendance in your clan forum each week, or if you aren't able to run your clan meeting, one of your captains should be doing that task as part of their training.

Leadership Training Classes

Intro to General's Class
Monday, March 30th @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Fliggy XD

Moderator's Class
Friday, April 3rd @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Fliggy XD

Community Wide Events

Black Ops 4
Friday, March 27th @ 9pm EST

Saturday, April 4th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: XGC Icee & KoG LOTUS XS


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Clan & Squad Lists

Your clan list and captain's squad lists are due by 11:59pm EST on Tuesday, March 31st. You need to match your clan list to the usergroup and make sure names are spelled correctly, and that everyone who is a private or higher is registered and added. Also make sure that anyone who has been removed from the clan was also removed from the clan usergroup. If you need updated copies of your usergroup please ask.

If your Captain(s) don't post their list, you need to post it for them and follow up as to why it wasn't done. Lists can be posted up to 3 days early if needed rather than being late so encourage them to post early if need be.

Class Attendance

If you, or any of your leadership sign up for a class, they are expected to show up or communicate if they aren't able to make it. Sending a message on the website, Xbox, or even Discord will help to make sure the class starts on time and if someone isn't able to make it, someone else who has signed up can potentially take their spot. Be courteous and remember that teachers take time out of their day to do these classes to help benefit you and your members.

Goals for this Year

As we are nearly 1/3rd of a way through this year, what progress have you made towards your personal goals as well as your goals for your clan? If you are accomplishing the goals you've set for yourself, and your clan is progressing with their goals, make sure you're giving credit where credit is due. If you aren't reaching your personal goals, have you thought about the reason(s) why? Thinking about why you are or aren't meeting those goals has to be done in order to continue growing and developing as a leader. Not meeting goals isn't always bad, it may mean you need to reevaluate and dial it back to make it more realistic, or you may need to ask for help. We have our rank structure in place for a reason, which is so that you have plenty of resources to ask for help when needed or just to brainstorm ideas with.

When you set goals for yourself as well as your leadership in your clans, make sure you are talking about it regularly so these goals don't fall by the wayside. If someone isn't performing the basic responsibilities of their rank, and can't meet simple goals such as bringing in recruits for their clan or squad, holding meetings and game nights, find out why and ask them if they need help. This will help make your clans stronger and will develop great leaders moving forward.

Leadership Training Classes

Captain's Class
Monday, April 6th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by KoG Turdz XS

Intro to General's Class
Monday, March 30th @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Fliggy XD

Advanced General's Class
Wednesday, April 8th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by XGC Mini Me XD

Moderator Class
Friday, April 3rd @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Fliggy XD

Community Wide Events

Rainbow 6: Siege
Friday, April 3rd @ 10pm EST
Hosts: XGC Iris & XGC Horus XS

Saturday, April 4th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: XGC Icee & KoG LOTUS XS

Modern Warfare
Saturday, April 4th @ 10pm EST
Hosts: SYN JAChelle XS & XGC StaleDonuts


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Defining Expectations & Goals

When we as leaders are setting goals, one of the ways we can successfully achieve our goals is by being direct and communicating the outcome you expect. This gives your leadership the opportunity to understand what you expect and how to succeed at it. Growth as a leader is a learning process, so if they need help then we guide them. If they fail to achieve the goal that is set forth, then this is the best opportunity to address how to find a solution and try a different way to accomplish the goal the next time around.

Following Up with Leadership

When you are telling your leadership to do something, make sure you follow up with them and check that it's actually been done. Do not take their word for it, look for the proof that it's been done. If they tell you they brought in 3 new recruits, go look at their clan list and see if it's been updated to include those recruits. When they tell you their squad list has been posted, go to your clan forum and check that it was posted. Doing these quick checks will help train your leadership on what they should be doing on a regular basis, and make your job easier.

Researching Previous Members

If there is a former member out there asking you about coming back to the community, make sure you are doing your research to find what their removal request states. If the removal is for inactivity, they are welcome to return to any clan they choose, with no GWG application required. When you can’t find a removal request for them, hit up your chain of command or an admin to see if they are able to help locate it. If nothing is found, you should be sending them to the GWG so the researchers can find out the reason behind their departure.

Recruiting from the GWG

We do not recruit from the GWG forum at any time, in any clan. Recruiting should be taking place on the Xbox, through LFG posts, game chat, sending messages to recent players, and any other ways you have found that work for you and your clan. If someone's GWG gets approved, you and your XS would be contacted by an XD about them being placed into your clan.
**No Meetings on Sunday, April 12th due to Easter Sunday**
Leadership Training Classes

Captain's Class
Tomorrow, April 6th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by: KoG Turdz XS

Advanced General's Class
Wednesday, April 8th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by: XGC Mini Me XD

Advanced General's Class
Saturday, April 11th @ 7pm EST
Hosted by: XGC Tantaliz XC

Intro to General's Class
Saturday, April 18th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by: XGC Mini Me XD


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Clan Activity

As a General, you are expected to spend time with all members of your clan. If you are only playing with a select number of people in your clan, it's important that you recognize that and make sure you are trying to touch base with all members weekly to make sure they are good. Gaming or even just spending time with members in parties will help you to see who the potential future leaders are for your clan and give you an idea of what they need to work on in order to get to that next step.

Setting Up for Success

As General, it is your responsibility to make your clan successful, with the help of your XS. First, make sure that you and your leadership understand all ranks and the responsibilities of each one, as well as what is expected to meet those requirements. Then you need to make sure you take your General's classes, fulfill your responsibilities, while guiding and teaching your members and leadership.

If you see that your clan is struggling with activity, reach out for help if you aren't sure how to fix it. Set realistic goals that will help your clan move forward, and make sure you are holding weekly meetings as well as clan and squad game nights or activities to keep everyone involved. Being proactive instead of reactive will make your clan stronger and less likely to start going down that slippery slope of inactivity and dying.

Complacency & Time

Remember we should always be striving to better ourselves, our clan and our community. The day we grow complacent, is the day we start to move backwards. Keep going forwards! Time is limited, so choose what you want to do with it. Do you want to sit around and do nothing? Or make the decisions that will make you happy and ensure a better future for you, the clan and the community? Your destiny is in your hands.

Ask yourself and your leadership to think about this whenever they are on the Xbox: what can I do to make Xiled Gaming better than yesterday? If that means just talking to someone and getting them more invested in the community then that helps. The more invested a member is the more they will want to put in.

Leadership Training Classes

Captain's Class
Saturday, May 9th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by KoG LOTUS XS

Advanced General's Class
Saturday, May 9th @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Mini Me XD

Community Wide Events

Modern Warfare
Friday, May 8th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: XGC Poptart & XGC StaleDonuts


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Clan Compete

As a reminder, you and your Generals should be getting members registered on Clan Compete if they aren't already. This is where all clan battles, X-Team Challenges, and competitive players and teams can go to issue challenges and have some fun and friendly competitions!

If you or your Generals need assistance with Clan Compete, please hit up your chain of command with any questions or issues you run into with the website. Click here for a list of Clan Compete Staff and Admins.


XGC Traitor XC
XGC Tantaliz XC

Staff and Referees:

KoG Turdz XS
KoG Caustic
SYN Unholy

Name Change requests should be posted here so usernames match the gamertag.


As a leader in XG, you have displayed the drive and desire to be an asset to help XG grow. However, once you reach the next level, are you holding yourself, your peers, and your clans accountable to the high standard that XG requires? Are you using the tools that are available to continue to grow the community and future leaders? Or are you taking it easy, now "that you made it?" You must hold yourself accountable to continue to grow as a leader and to uphold the ideals of XG. This is done with your day to day attitude and actions being consistent with what is expected of a leader in XG. You cannot be effective if you are only being accountable part of the time.


Many times we have discussed the importance of communication and the fact that it is the Key to Success of XG. Information needs to be shared up and down the chain of command so that everyone is working as one team to continuously improve XG. For the most part, the leaders of XG do a good job of disseminating the information, as requested. No one should have an issue sharing upcoming game nights, Game with Fame, or of a recent promotion or clan split, because this is good news.

However, as a leader in XG, you must also be able to have any "difficult" conversations when needed. If someone in a leadership position is failing short of the requirements and expectation, a conversation needs to be had to explain where they are lacking, what they need to do to correct the deficiencies, and the timeline to do so. In order to recognize when these types of conversations are needed, you must be actively engaging the leadership of your clans or sections. By being a proactive leader and being willing to have the needed conversations, your clan or section will have the leadership needed to be successful, thus making XG stronger.

Shutting Down Clans

When a clan is shut down, it is as a last resort, when everything else has been tried, but the clan is still falling apart or doesn't have the full clan structure in place. These decisions are made after a lot of thought and consideration by the leadership involved with that clan. Of course, nobody likes shutting down a clan but sometimes it is a necessary decision, and everybody should understand that. No drama should be coming from people who do not agree with the decision.

We all understand that it can be upsetting, but please know that shutting down a clan is not done with ill intent, but rather to make sure that all members are in a clan with the correct rank structure in place where they can game and have fun, and also grow as a leader if that is what they want to do. As leaders sometimes difficult choices have to be made and they should be handled with maturity and the confidence that you are making the right decision for the clan and the members within that clan.

Leadership Training Classes

Captain's Class
Friday, May 22nd @ 9pm EST

Intro to General's Class
Friday, May 22nd @ 4pm EST
Hosted by XGC Mini Me XD

Moderator Class
Saturday, May 23rd @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Mini Me XD


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018

Add and Remove Requests

When posting Add and Remove requests on the help desk, please make sure you are verifying that the person has registered on the website by using the Advanced Search bar under "Members". Do not post multiple threads for requests, if you have several people to add, simply post one thread with all the names listed who need to be added. Same with removals, if you have multiple people to remove put all the usernames into one thread but make sure to note next to each name the reason for the removal.

PRIOR to posting any add requests, the clan list has to be updated. If a member was promoted to private but is still listed as a recruit, the request will be denied and will have to be resubmitted. Same with transfers, if someone has transferred in they also need to be added to the clan list before an add request is posted.

Leadership Definition

The definition of a leader is to first be a follower. You cannot expect someone to follow you if you do not know what it is to follow yourself.

A leader simply persuades others to follow them. Having said this, in order for someone to want to follow you, they must see that you have empathy for them and their peers. You do not have to buy into the whole of your surroundings, but showing empathy to those who you lead, goes a long way.

Do not lead by the saying: do as I say and not as I do. Take charge and show those who you are leading that you are willing to get your feet wet also. Too many leaders fail because they walk one way, yet tell their followers to walk another way. It is up to you as the leader of the team to set the goals, formulate a plan of action, and motivate the team towards that goal. In doing so, you have to be willing to work alongside the team throughout the full process.

Communicating Absences

We understand that at times you will not be online for an extended period of time, whether it's due to finals, vacations, life circumstances, etc. We understand that real life should always come first. So if you know your activity will be spotty or non-existent for that time, please let your chain of command know when you are leaving, when you expect to be back, and that you have coverage in your absence.

Clan & Squad Lists

Just a reminder, clan and squad lists must be posted by 11:59pm EST tonight - if you know you won't be able to on the exact day, post it a day or two early so it isn't late. If your captain(s) don't get their squad list posted, you are responsible for posting it for them and following up to see why it wasn't done. If someone isn't performing a basic responsibility like posting and keeping their list updated, chances are they are missing other responsibilities and could be having a negative impact on their squad and on the clan as a whole.

You also need to check your clan usergroup - ask an admin if you need a new copy. Make sure people are being removed as they need to be as well as added. This also goes for the Captain's usergroup, when a captain steps down or is demoted, make sure you are posting the request to take them out of the captain's usergroup on the help desk.

Researching Situations

When anyone comes to you about a situation, make sure you are getting both sides of the story before taking any action. Taking what one person says at face value isn't fair to the other person or people involved in the situation - everybody has the right to tell their side of the story. If someone is saying something that just doesn't seem right, trust your gut and dig deeper into what they are telling you.

Remember that situations do not need to be handled right away, take your time and do your due diligence before making decisions. If you don't know how to handle the situation, ask for help - either a peer or your XS should be able to assist you. If not, use the open door policy. You aren't in this alone, we are all a team and should be assisting others whenever we can.

Leadership Training Classes

Captain's Class
Friday, June 5th @ 9pm EST

Advanced General's Class
Friday, June 5th @ 5pm EST
Hosted by XGC Mini Me XD

Intro to General's Class
Monday, June 8th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC

Advanced General's Class
Monday, June 15th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC

Moderator Class
Saturday, June 6th @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Mini Me XD

Community Wide Events

Modern Warfare
Friday, June 5th @ 9pm EST
Game Modes: Shotgun Roulette & Simon Says
Hosts: SYN Stiddy & SYN JAChelle XS

Prominence Poker
Saturday, June 6th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: KoG MamaCoco XS, ragintigress & XGC Horus XS

Modern Warfare
Friday, June 12th @ 9pm EST
Game Modes: Custom Infected & Hardcore games, Dom, Gun Game, TDM
Hosts: XGC StaleDonuts & SYN JAChelle XS

Modern Warfare
Saturday, June 13th @ 9pm EST
Game Modes: Mass Infected, Russian Roulette, RPG only small maps
Hosts: SYN OPTIC & SYN JAChelle XS

Modern Warfare
Saturday, June 20th @ 9pm EST
Game Modes: Free for All - do you have what it takes to be the very best?
Hosts: HeAdCaSe & SYN JAChelle XS


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018

Transfer Process

Members who are wanting to transfer to a new clan must first go to their current General, not to the General or XS of the clan where they wish to transfer to. If someone comes to you for a transfer who is not currently in your clan, please direct them to their current leadership. No transfer can take place without the member reaching out to their current leadership first! If a transfer doesn't involve your clan, please do not take any steps to complete that transfer such as reaching out to the General or XS of that member, it should be the member having the conversation, not you.

Also, any transfer requests should be processed within 72 hours - if you are having any trouble getting in contact with the people you need to get ahold of, please hit up your chain of command or use the open door policy to assist with the transfer being completed in a timely manner.

Remember that we do not transfer problem children - if they are causing issues within your clan, we don't want another clan having to deal with the same issues. If someone just doesn't quite fit in with the current squad and clan, and they've found another clan where they get along with the members better, that's a perfect reason to transfer out.

Modern Warfare Regiments

Regiments for Modern Warfare are allowed - they are the same as any in-game clan within specific games. It is recommended that only leadership is in charge of the in-game regiment, if you have further questions about in-game clans please ask your chain of command or utilize the open door policy.

Holding Yourself and Leadership Accountable

As a leader in XG, you are responsible for holding yourself to the standard of your rank, as well as your Captains and LTs within your clan. When someone isn't upholding their rank responsibilities, have an honest conversation with them about what's going on and if they need more training, clarification on their responsibilities, or advice on making their squad the best it can be.

Take time to speak with everyone in your clan to learn about what their goals are within the community. That way, if someone is demoted, steps down, or leaves, you know who your next person up could be and you are prepared to move forward and keep the clan on a forward progression.

If you yourself need help understanding your responsibilities better, or just want some advice, use your peers or chain of command to ask those questions. Wanting to learn more will never be seen as a negative step to take, but rather shows that you acknowledge that you and all leaders always have room to grow and improve.

Why You Joined This Community

When you first joined the community, it was probably for many reasons - remind yourself of why you joined, and how you can continue to make other people feel that way and want to join as well. Hold your leaders to that standard so that your clans can continue to grow and be successful.

If someone is preventing that positive atmosphere from being shown to new or potential members, you need to hold them accountable and make the change(s) needed to keep people interested in joining and also to stay as members well into the future.

Leadership Training Classes

Intro to General's Class
Tomorrow, Monday June 8th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC

Advanced General's Class
Monday, June 15th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC

Community Wide Events

Modern Warfare
Friday, June 12th @ 10pm EST
Game Modes: Custom Infected & Hardcore games, Domination, Gun Game, TDM & more
Hosts: XGC StaleDonuts & SYN JAChelle XS

Modern Warfare
Saturday, June 13th @ 9pm EST
Game Modes: Mass Infected, Russian roulette, RPG only on small maps & many others
Hosts: SYN OPTIC & SYN JAChelle XS

Black Ops 2
Saturday, June 13th @ 9pm EST
Game Mode: Custom Zombies!
Hosts: XGC Icee & KoG Alucard

Black Ops 4
Friday, June 19th @ 9pm EST
Game Modes: Dodgeball, Michael Myers, Shotgun Roulette
Hosts: ElegantMouse#173 & SYN JAChelle XS

Modern Warfare
Saturday, June 20th @ 9pm EST
Game Modes: Free For All - do you have what it takes to win?
Hosts: HeAdCaSe & SYN JAChelle XS


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018

Professionalism / Attitude

When dealing with issues or just having conversations with your members, always maintain your professionalism and have a positive attitude. If you are unable to present yourself professionally, please remove yourself from the party until you are able to handle the situation calmly and in a professional manner. There is no excuse for handling issues emotionally, the only result that you can expect when you handle a situation emotionally is for the person(s) involved to respond emotionally. Ask for help if you aren't able to approach the situation logically and without emotions running rampant.

This also goes for your professionalism when dealing with your peers - you don't need to like somebody in order to act professionally and treat them with respect. Treat people the way you want to be treated and it will make for a better environment for you and everyone around you.

Team Effort

Everything we do within Xiled Gaming is a Team Effort, regardless of Rank or which squad, clan, section, or division you may be in. Our community is based on the Honor Code, Rank Structure, Rules & Guidelines and Team Work. We pull the rope together and we succeed or fail together, but we always do it as a group. No one person is bigger then the whole, no one loss is more important than all the fun we have together. Here are just a few things we have to do to be the best Community we can be:

*Recruiting: Building our community is everyone's responsibility, no one person can do this alone, make sure you are bringing in good like minded gamers to be a part of the environment you want to create within your clan, with this you will be helping us pull the rope. Just remember that we all are facilitators of fun!

*Training Recruits: It takes a whole clan to be open to new members, invite these potential members to games, welcome them, be a good example, show them the ropes, teach them about the community, and work with them so they can become a valued community member, as we grow its more important that we grow together.

*Clan & Squad Practices: Training together, learning the tactics or strategies for the clan games, getting to know each others playing styles, and learning from each other will prepare us for victory and help us learn from defeat.

*Clan Compete: As a team, everyone should put forth their own best effort in any in-game play, while maintaining the environment of good sportsmanship, regardless of if we win or lose, we always say good game!

*Meetings: Meetings are a great place to share ideas, celebrate successes, discuss any issues, offer feedback on how to improve our clan and squad environments, and vote on new recruits. Remember, we can't make things better without team work. Team Effort is what it is all about. More hands make lighter work!

*Communication: Exchanging thoughts and ideas with the intention of delivering information and goals. Communication is the key to success, not only within the community but also in both professional and personal scenarios. Successful leaders are those marked by their effective use of communication and understanding their followers.

No member gets left behind: ensue all gamers are involved with their squad and other clan members, make sure you and your leadership are reaching out to the ones who are not to find out why and if they can help get them more active and involved.

Leadership Training Classes

Captain's Class
Monday, June 22nd @ 9pm EST
Hosted by KoG LOTUS XS

Captain's Class
Monday, June 29th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by KoG Turdz XS

Advanced General's Class
Monday, June 15th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC

Intro to General's Class
Saturday, June 20th @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Mini Me XD

Community Wide Events

CoD: Black Ops 4
Friday, June 19th @ 9pm EST
Game Modes: Dodgeball, Michael Myers, Shotgun Roulette
Hosts: ElegantMouse#173 & SYN JAChelle XS

Modern Warfare
Saturday, June 20th @ 9pm EST
Game Mode: Free-for-all - do you have what it takes to win?
Hosts: HeAdCaSe & SYN JAChelle XS

Golf With Your Friends
Saturday, June 27th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: XGC Icee & SYN JAChelle XS


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018

Usergroup Maintenance

With the release of the new site, both Section Leaders and Generals now have the ability to approve new members into the clan usergroups. Some or most of you were not around when this functionality existed on previous versions of our website. So let me cover a few expectations you may not be aware of.

1. Vetting Requests: When accepting people into your usergroup, you must first verify they are in fact members of your clan. Do not approve any requests where you do not recognize the name.
2. Usergroup Accuracy: Members can only be in one clan's usergroup (XS-XI being the only exception). Go through your usergroup and verify that it is correct by adding members that should be there, and removing those that shouldn't. This should be a regular routine. Keep in mind, your usergroup and clan list must match in order for a clan split to be approved.
3. Recruits & Usergroups: Recruits are not expected to be in the usergroup or registered. Recruits are not members of the community until promoted to the rank of private. At that point, it will become mandatory for the member to be registered as stated in the rank structure. The reason I'm mentioning this is because recruits do not always work out. If you get in the habit of accepting everyone into the usergroup it will lead to you creating more removal requests. Which is not only more work for you, but more work for the Admins as well.

DNR List

The Do Not Recruit List has been eliminated, when researching name changes please check the current members list and use the search function to make sure it isn't too close to an existing name.

Handling Issues

If an issue arises between members, they should be making an attempt to resolve it between themselves before just immediately jumping ranks or using the open door policy. If they are unable to resolve it themselves, that's when leadership needs to be involved, by following the chain of command first - if the issue is between them and another member in leadership, the next rank up would need to be contacted to help get the issue handled, but not before it is communicated properly through the chain of command first.

CDL Tournament

Thank you to all who supported last night's CDL Domination Tournament, whether you participated or watched the stream! Congratulations to the winning team, Husky Boys, led by TheRandomHusky from KoG Velocity. Stay tuned for the next tournament and as always, please message any of the CC staff if you have ideas or suggestions for future tournaments.

Warzone Event hosted by Clan Compete

Clan Compete will be hosting a Warzone Event on Saturday, August 1st - start time and sign-ups will be posted later tonight. Please get members registered who are interested in competing, and ensure they are using the same username as their Xbox gamertag on the site.
Clan Compete - Clan Compete
PwnZone Gaming Ladders and Tournments for gamers on xbox, ps4 and Pc games. Pwnzone.com

Leadership Training Classes

Captain's Class
Wednesday, July 22nd @ 8pm EST
SYN DESIREZ XS will be hosting a Captains Class on July 22 2020 at 8pm est This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited...

Community Wide Events

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Saturday, July 25th @ 9pm EST
Game Modes: Hardcore Game Modes including TDM, Dom, and more
Hosts: XGC StaleDonuts & SYN OPTIC

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
Saturday, August 8th @ 9pm EST
Game Modes: Custom Blackout