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Mar 10, 2006

The author calls it 'Psycho' in space.

Game of Thrones is one of the most beloved, watched and pirated TV shows in recent history, but it's not the only George R. R. Martin tale being adapted for the small screen. The author's sci-fi horror novella Nightflyers was first published in 1980 before being turned into a movie later that decade, and now a new TV adaptation airing this fall on Syfy in the US and Netflix in other regions. A brief teaser for the show's first, ten-episode season caught our attention a few months ago, and now we have a full trailer that debuted at this year's San Diego Comic-Con to sink our teeth into.
Set in the year 2093, George R. R. Martin describes Nightflyers as "a haunted house story on a starship. It's Psycho in space." It follows a group of explorers heading away from a dying Earth towards a mysterious craft at the edge of the solar system. Their mission is to make first contact with aliens, but the voyage quickly becomes a living nightmare. As things take turns for the worse, is the threat out there, on board, or the ship itself? Find out later this year -- assuming you don't read the original novella and spoil it for yourself first, of course.

Originally posted [url"https://www.engadget.com/2018/07/20/george-rr-martin-nightflyers-trailer/"]HERE[/URL]


Mar 10, 2006

Let me give you a little insight on what is happening here. I take someone into a game of fortnite or pubg and interview them till that person dies. To do this I have SYN LADYREBL XS typing as fast as she can. We try to get as much of what is being said, but a lot is missed due to us not stopping even for punctuation. While doing this we are also streaming on my stream SYN_REZ_XC if you feel like you want to watch our stupidness.

Usually I'll ask an XS to pick someone in their section to be interviewed. This person was picked by KoG Drifdar XS

KoG CANARY (8/2/18)
KoG CANARY joined Xiled Gaming in February of 2018 as ShEBeA5tIVIoDe to KoG
Prophecy then was quickly transferred to KoG Appex.

While in Lazy Links on Fortnite:
RES:“What do you do for fun besides gaming?”

KoG CANARY:Fishing in the summer, my brother comes over and we fish together. Fishing, huntin, camping.

RES:“You’re a country girl”

KoG CANARY:Yes I am!

RES:“What’s your favorite ninja turtle or power ranger and why?”

KoG CANARY:I’ve never watched it and don’t know what those are, but ask me about DC or The Avengers

RES:“Okay, who’s your favorite Avenger?”



KoG CANARY:He’s so tough and plus I just like Robert Downey Jr.

RES:“What video game would you like to be in and who would you be?”

KoG CANARY:I’d play Fortnite STW and I’d be the ninja one (Assassin Sarah) because my short *** legs
wouldn’t be a problem. I could just get the coffee whenever my mom comes over and puts it up
high. She thinks its funny and has since I moved out in high school. I could just whoop-whoop
up the cupboard and grab the coffee.

RES:“What mantra do you live by?

KoG CANARY:I don’t really have a mantra, but I just try to be happy and make others smile. I have quotes
though No YOLOs around here.

RES:“Favorite quote?”

KoG CANARY:"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” Elanor Roosevelt

RES:“You like country music? What’s your favorite song?”

KoG CANARY:I like country music but rap is to music what cancer is to life. I hate it
I don’t think I have a favorite song. I have a lot. I could say one and then change it and go on for
an hour.

KoG CANARY:I wouldn’t say I have something weird about me. What do you consider weird? I get a lot of
looks and people think I’m weird for playing Xbox

RES:“Biggest pet peeves on and off the box?”

KoG CANARY:In parties when people have background music or have their TV up loud to where you can hear
it through their headset
Real life it’s when people open a can of pop or beer or whatever and the tab sticks straight up.

RES:“What makes you fun to game with?”

KoG CANARY:I like to have fun and game, I don’t take this stuff serious. The people that break controllers and
stay angry for so long are just not fun to be around

RES:“I used to be all about winning”

KoG CANARY: I was too on Call of Duty but then I switch to Fortnite and it’s great, hoppin arounf hackin trees
and its like christmas freakn morning on 50v50
I get comments about being weird for doing something like Xbox because “isn’t that a boy

RES:What does BeastIVIoDe look like?
Gaming turrets

RES:Favorite memory?

KoG CANARY: DISNEYLAND. We have a timeshare with my family

RES:Favorite place in Disneyland?

KoG CANARY: Epcott

RES:I’ve never been to Epcot

KoG CANARY: What? Why not?

RES:I live in California - oh I’m dying

KoG CANARY: Yeah I am too
Oh! Wha- wha- no- I- uh! I died


Mar 10, 2006

theHunter: Call of the Wild
This article was written by:
XGC Axecident

First Impression Review

We open to a beautiful forest scene. Take a few steps around to get familiar with movement. Wow this is beautiful I tell myself.
The first task, is to find and hunt an animal, which seems fitting for a hunting game. So I move around a little bit, and try to get a handle on the controls. Okay, seems pretty straight forward, lets see what we can find. Moving around in this open world seems very fluid, and comfortable, and then I come across my first task. Directly in front of me, down a small hill there is a deer, this is what we came for. Take my time, get in position, slowly, creeping forward to get a good line of sight.


Stepped on a twig... the deer perks up, and bounds away.


Apparently this game has a ton of mechanics that I would never have thought to be in a video game. Okay, lets try to get this mission out of the way, I am sure that I can find another animal to shoot somewhere around here. As I walk forward, I come across the tracks from the deer that I spooked a few moments ago. Okay, well maybe I can have another chance to get that same deer. I begin tracking this animal, it takes me for a trek through the woods, probably close to 1 km before I can find her. There she is, in the middle of a small clearing standing still not too far out of range, but not close enough to get a kill shot for certain, so again I will have to creep closer. Ever so cautiously, making sure i do not step on any twigs, or collide with tree branches as I slowly move ever closer to the target. Up comes the rifle, up comes the scope. Clear shot.

*BOOM* the rifle goes off.

She twitches a bit, and bounces off into the tree line again. How could that be? I am certain that the bullet hit the target, perhaps there is more to this than I am reading. I move in to inspect where the deer was when I took my shot. Oh, what is this? Blood.... I inspect the blood patch and it informs me that the bleed rate is very low, but that informs me that I have indeed hit the target, so now its time to track her. I follow the deer tracks through the trees, into another small clearing, and then into the trees again, and after about 400 m, I find the trophy. My first kill. Upon inspecting the trophy it informs me that the bullet did in fact hit, but no contact with vital organs or the spine, which means that it was not an instant kill.

Using this information for my next target, after tracking a deer through the woods, and across a river, and into a field for approximately 20 minutes in real time, I had more experience. Also having played around with some buttons while tracking and messing around, I came to find out that one can actually zoom in the scope. Great! Now i wont have to push so close to the deer to be able take a shot. Safely from the tree line, hidden in cover, I wait. The deer saunters around casually, and I keep my patience in check. Finally the deer stops, and perks its head up.

*BOOM* the rifle goes off.

The deer drops immediately. Excellent. I walk over to inspect the trophy. The shot came in at a perfect angle and hit the spine killing the animal immediately.

Game Overview

After deciding on a whim to buy this game and play it without having any previous knowledge of it, other than word of mouth that it was the most realistic hunting experience a video game has ever offered, to which I do not have much experience, as I have not played any, I am quite satisfied with the first few hours of playing theHunter. I will say immediately that this game is not for everyone. This game requires something very specific to be able to enjoy it, and that is patience. On some hunts, it can take upwards of 30 minutes to even see an animal to shoot, and all it takes is one twig, one shrub, one tree to spook the animal and waste all the effort that was spent tracking it.

While the game does offer some basic information as to how to play, and what to do, I will say that it does not give much information. I had to play around with the controls for a while before I was able to understand how to switch between equipment, and as pointed out earlier here, I was not even aware that I could zoom in on the scope on my rifle until accidentally pushing a button while looking through the scope.

This game does have so much to offer anyone that wants to experience hunting in a video game, I have not even come across a list of all of the animals that can be hunted, but what I am aware of is many different types of Deer, Elk, Moose, Bears, Fox, Coyotes, Boars, Rabbits and Geese, and I imagine there are more that I have not discovered yet.

From my initial impressions I will certainly recommend this game to anyone that would be interested in a hunting video game. Also will perform a more in-depth complete review when I have played for more hours to get a final opinion on the game.


Mar 10, 2006

Destiny 2 Update: Forsaken September 4th 2018
Written by: XGC Juic3 XS

The long overdue DLC of Bungie’s disaster of a game is finally here. Let’s get a few facts straight before I carry on, I love Destiny 2 and I play it daily. I believe if anyone is allowed to talk in a negative way about the game, it’s me. Now let’s move on, Destiny is releasing The Forsaken-on September 4th, 2018. This at one point was rumored to be the Taken Queen update. We and when I say we, avid players of the game knew the game was due an over haul of the Taken King size.

Many knew Prince Uldren would reappear and the reef was bound to unravel. In the past DLC’s we saw the rise and the fall of the cabal, the return of the Hive. However, we saw no Taken. This would no longer be the case as The Forsaken has brought back the Taken and Prince Uldren. Now, what’s surprising is that he is not on our side. Keep in mind when I say we, I’m referring to us as guardians.

It comes to a surprise in a trailer, Prince Uldren is holding Cayde 6’s Ace of Spades hand cannon in his hand as he shoot’s Cayde. Question is Why, would Bungie kill off one of the most iconic members of the game. I mean, could we do without Lord Shaxxy Pooh (damn one horn bastard), maybe not, but to kill off Cayde 6? Geeze Bungie, did the Nathan Fillon ask for too much money, I mean let’s look at it, who saved the chicken in the last DLC, it was Cayde. Who keeps us laughing when the game is a terrible disaster, Cayde does.

This draws a lot of questions and conclusions; however, we won’t spend a lot of time on this as I will review the DLC and break down some interesting points. In the end, Cayde 6 is dead and we will hunt for a new comic savior at the tower.

Let’s talk new supers and game mode. First, the new game mode is called gambit, in gambit, it’s a PVE/PVP game mode. Yes, try and say that in one sentence; go ahead I’ll wait… Ok now that’s out of the way. The game mode will begin with a taunting session, then move right into a Player Versus Everyone (PVE) session. Players will have to pick up motes, where the motes will have needed to be collected and placed in a device which will keep count, for every 5 placed in, a boss will appear on your opponent’s side. This will of course slow them down. What makes it even more interesting is that the boss will get harder and harder the more motes placed in the collector. Now, Bungie through a twist on this, the final boss, is a player from the opposing team, can move over to the opponents’ side and kill their opponents, turning the game from a PVE game mode to a PVP game mode.

Finally, Bungie is introducing 9 new supers. Titan’s will receive; Titan Sentinel’s Code of the Commander, Titan Sunbreaker’s Code of the Devastator, and Titan Strikers code of the Missile. Warlocks will receive; Warlock Voidwalker’s Attunement of Fission, Warlock Stromcaller’s Attunement of Control and Warlock Dawnblade’s Attunement of Grace, finally the Hunter will receive; Hunter Nightstalker Way of the Wrath, Hunter Gunslinger’s Way of a Thousand Cuts, and Hunter ArcStrider’s Way of the Current.

In conclusion, even though the DLC will require a hefty price tag of $80. The statistics of the game is starting to climb as far as players playing the game. I would assume, as for no writer should ever assume, the game is making a comeback. Are there pros and cons to this game, yes as there are with all games out there. I would encourage you to start playing the game now if you do not have the game. This will prepare you for The Forsaken DLC soon to arrive on September 4th 2018.

XGC Buffy XD

Get A Life!
Jul 20, 2015
Thornton, Colorado

Want to learn some more about XGC xVIPERx XI? He's the guy with Halo roots, but currently a Destiny 2 fanatic, who is this month's Game with Fame guest of honor! After finishing his degree a couple weeks ago, I got a chance to sit down with him and ask him some questions - this is how it went. So read on if you want to find out his favorite retro games, the one person he'd like to meet, living or dead, and much more!

What was your first gamertag?
XGC ViperDragon

Tell us your Xiled Gaming clan history since you were recruited, up to where you are now as well as who recruited you.
Recruited by XGC Death (the first one) – XiledGamingoCom is my home clan and only clan I was ever a part of. Promoted to council leader from there.

What are a few characteristics that you believe every leader should have?
1) Integrity
2) Self-Motivated
3) Active Listener

What advice would you give to someone who wanted to move up into leadership?
Know your information. Make sure you know the Honor Code and Rank Structure, because as a leader you will deal with those things on a regular basis. Always talk with your leaders, and never be afraid to ask a question – if you don’t know about something, ask for an explanation. If you don’t know how something works, it makes it more difficult to be a leader if you can’t understand what’s going on. Focus on teamwork and communication.

What has been your most memorable moment in Xiled Gaming, and why?
When I was promoted to Council Leader, because at the time I didn’t even know people could get promoted to Council. I was promoted in a party with XGC Caviezel XI, XGC Coleslaw XI, XGC Hades XI, XGC KNIGHT XI, XGC xOTTOx XI & XGC x0 0 7x XI, who were all the current Council members at that time.

What is the one thing you try to stress to all gamers in XG?
Teamwork & communication. Without those, the team wouldn’t be successful.

What is your favorite thing about Xiled Gaming?
The people in the community, because that’s what makes it great. There’s always somebody to play with, meet new friends, and be able to accomplish things. But most importantly, getting together as a team, while communicating and just dominating while representing Xiled Gaming.

What was the first game you ever played?
Magnavox Odyssey – back in the day when Atari was coming out. On Xbox, Halo CE was my first game.

What made you want to move into leadership?
I was already in the military at the time, so leadership was just kind of second nature to me.

Has anything in the community impacted your real life?
Nothing that I wasn’t willing to give up, which is giving the time to do what we need to do as leaders. I’ve made some really good friends over time through XG.

Has anything in your real life impacted your life in the community?
My job at the time was to develop training, and is what I did for a living. I created leadership classes for teaching the section leaders, and later it was revised with Hylander and myself, and now it’s used for section leaders, generals and captains in the community.

What is your favorite color?
Medium to Dark Blue – but not navy blue.

What is your favorite retro game? (Before Xbox 360 era)
Ninja Gaiden, Doom series & Heretic series

If you could meet one person, living or dead, who would you want to meet?
Dan Marino. He was the quarterback for the Miami Dolphins and that’s my team.

Community Questions
How did you get involved in XG?
I got recruited into Xiled Gaming in March 2006, so there weren’t that many people at that time. One day when I ran across XGC Death, we started playing together and he recruited me in. Once I started learning about XG and what it was about, as far as the honor code and the people, the most important aspect to me was that there was no cheating and you could play the game like it was meant to be played, with like-minded gamers. That’s what drew me in and more importantly, what kept me. I felt I was going to invest in the community and do what I could to help.

How did you become a Council Leader?
Already had leadership experience, so I had a pretty good head start in that sense. One day I talked to Hades and Coleslaw, told them my interest in becoming a leader, and asked for advice which they gave to me. They steered me in the right direction and helped me be successful in what I did.

Were you always a Webmaster?
Not always, but I did programming in high school, so I was developing programs and was very advanced due to transferring from one high school to another. I went solo and started helping the school, specifically in the main admin office as well as the science department.

What was your favorite subject in high school?
Math. Went up to trigonometry.

Why did you choose Viper for your gamertag?
Because it was part of my original gamertag, I thought Viper and Dragon were cool when combined together. Mess with the Dragon, get bit by the Viper. Now I have Viper and Dragon as two separate accounts so it still holds true.

Would you rather eat a Peanut Butter filled Orange or a Jelly filled Tomato?
Jelly filled Tomato.

What kind of advice can you give to someone who just joined the community?
For somebody who just joined, get to know your clan members, play with them and figure out how to work yourself into and be a part of the teamwork in your squad and clan.

When you first joined the community, what games were you playing? Now?
Halo 2 when I was recruited, and Destiny 2 now.

Is it possible for anyone else to get promoted to a Council Leader?
Yes actually, two were promoted after me. I was the first, and then XGC BlkKnght XI, and then XGC xTFLEMx XI.

Have you ever been removed from XG?
Nope. Nor have I left. I have been here since I was recruited.

In your own words, what is leadership?
Leadership is where you are providing the right tools, knowledge, and information to your peers, who you are responsible for, and guiding them to accomplish the mission or goal you or your superiors have set.

If you could change 1 thing in XG what would that be? Why? What would you like to see in the future for XG?
It’s not a question of what I would like to see, it’s about adapting to any changes that happen. I would like to see harmony – people taking care of what they need to, and more importantly with leaders, working together with your other leaders to make the right decision and eliminate drama. If you take care of what you need to, it saves everybody time and allows everyone to enjoy their online gaming experience.

What was it like living with dinosaurs?
Welcome to the Jungle

Final Words
Xiled Gaming is a great place to meet friends, to learn about teamwork, communication, but the most important thing is, it’s actually made gaming more fun.

To learn more about the D2 fanatic, join XGC Buffy XS in the Game with Fame Game Night!
WHEN: Friday, August 17th, 2018
WHERE: Destiny 2
HOW: Message XGC Buffy XS for an invite!


Forum Veteran
Jul 7, 2016
I going to see how the TTK will work in pvp on the 26th. Hopefully hand cannons will have a come back. Of course I'm getting ready for it and for anybody that needs a body next month please hit me up!

XGC x0 0 7x XI

Council Leader
Jan 1, 2006
A, A

Note: NO Promotion is just given for meeting the time requirements. Promotions must be earned by fulfilling all the responsibilities of each rank. Promotions are not asked for they are earned. Because you have been in your position for a long time doesn't not guarantee you a promotion. If you have completed these requirements please speak with a leader. If you are not maintaining the requirements of your position please understand you are hurting your clan, the community and your friends. If this happens you will be relieved of your leadership position. It isn't personal. We can't have inactive or ineffective leaders hold back what our members need.

A recruit should spend at least 1 week getting to know members and exploring the website. Recruits will be voted on by their peers and asked to join XG as a private in a squad if they accept the honorcode and are a quality gamer.

Privates are required to be register on the website and be active in the squad as a private for a minimum of 14 days before they can be promoted to Sergeant. A Private will not be promoted if they are not registered on the forums and active in the squad. Privates are required to play with and add members from the clan list to their gaming console friend list.

Sergeants must meet all their responsibilities as outlined in the XG Rank Structure as well as hold their rank for a minimum of 2 weeks. They must also show they want to be part of the XG leadership. They must play with recruits and privates and be an example to them on how to play. Sergeants should work closely with their Lieutenant to learn how the responsibilities of leadership work. Sergeants should encourage all members of the squad/clan to add every member in order to assist in building good gaming relationships between members.

Lieutenants assist Captains and should be trained as their replacement. They must hold their rank a minimum of 21 days to a month. A Lieutenant earns a promotion after being properly trained and in one of the 3 following ways. First, if their squad grows big enough to split and form a new squad within the clan. Second, if their Captain is being promoted to general. Third, if their clan splits and is moved into the new clan. Lieutenant is the right hand of the Captain and is the first man up when the Captain is promoted. Ideally the Lieutenant has a Sergeant ready to move into his position.

Captains assist Generals by running a squad of a minimum of 4 members. Captains become eligible for a promotion after holding their rank for a minimum of 30 days, training their Lieutenant to replace them, meeting all their responsibilities outlined in the rank structure and running a successful squad. Captains must be a positive role model for their squad/clan and the community, being active in game and the forums. Captains must attend/run clan meetings and ensure all members in the squad are playing together. Captains must update their squad list upon addition of new squad members to ensure all members know each other. Captains must ensure all members are on each other's friend list. Captains must communicate all issues to his General and work with his General to ensure quick resolutions. Captains must complete the Captains class as soon as possible.

  1. It is mandatory for the Captain to have the Lieutenant trained, all requirements met and ready to assume the role of Captain before a Lieutenant can be promoted to Captain. The Captain is responsible for the training and development of the Lieutenant in their squad. By doing this the Captain is ensuring that the Lieutenant is given all of the tools to be successful once they are promoted.

Generals are recommended for promotion by the Section Leaders and must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be a General for a minimum of 4 months.
  2. Running a successful clan that is properly structured.
  3. A General should split their clan at least TWICE.
  4. It is mandatory for the General to have the Captain(s) trained, all requirements met and ready to assume the role of General before a General can be promoted to Section Leader. The General is responsible for the training and development of the Captains in their clan. By doing this the General is ensuring that the Captain is given all of the tools to be successful once they are promoted.
  5. Being active in game and on the forums.
  6. Participating in the Generals meetings by running them on a regular basis.
  7. Maintaining effective clan communication, verbally and by reposting (spamming/sharing) messages/meeting notes from the leaders and posting on the forum and console.
  8. Showing dedication, loyalty and commitment to the community.
  9. Successfully complete the General's Leadership class(es) and any other training requirements for a General.
  10. Being fair but firm and making sound decisions.
  11. Working with other Generals and Sections Leaders as a Team through out the community.
  12. Generals MUST meet with their captains weekly to discuss squads and the clan.
  13. Behaving in a professional manner in all dealings within the clan and with fellow leaders.
  14. Using common sense.
  15. Passing the evaluation from the Leadership in the community.

Section Leaders are recommended for promotion by Division Leaders and must meet all the criteria of all lower ranks as well as the following:

  1. Be a Section Leader for a minimum of 6 months.
  2. Run 2 to 4 clans successfully with the proper clan structure.
  3. In order for the Section Leader to be considered for Division Leader they must promote a mininum of 2 Generals to Section Leader who remain succesful and active Section Leaders in the community. The Section Leader promoting the General must work with the new Section Leader to ensure successful transition to their new role.
  4. It is mandatory for the Section Leader to have the General(s) trained, all requirements met and ready to assume the role of Section Leader before a General can be promoted to Section Leader. The Section Leader is responsible for the training and development of the Generals in their clans. By doing this the Section Leader is ensuring that the General is given all of the tools to be successful once they are promoted.
  5. Display sound judgment and decision making in all aspects of their online gaming. (this includes in game, on the forums and in pre-game lobbies)
  6. Successfully complete the Section Leaders' Leadership class and any other training requirements for a Section Leader.
  7. Section Leaders MUST meet with their Generals weekly to discuss their development, clan status, potential clan split, and captains ready for promotion.
  8. Give 100% commitment to helping run and grow Xiled Gaming.
  9. Be looked upon as being a leader among your peers.
  10. Maintaining successful clans as well as taking on additional responsibilities.

Division Leaders are promoted via a vote by Community Leaders and Council only upon proving they are committed to the growth and well being of the community and all of it’s members as well as being a direct influence on it’s growth by promoting it in the online gaming world. Division Leaders are in charge and run the division they are in. Division Leaders must display sound judgment and decision making at all times. Division Leaders must have a great relationship with all Section Leaders and be able to handle bigger responsibilities. Division Leaders must meet with all Section Leaders weekly to discuss clan business, clan splits, future promotions and the direction of the community (Rotation). Division Leaders who have mastered the position will be assigned to community tasks. Being global and seeing the big picture as noticed by the Community and Council Leader is how a Division Leader is promoted.

  1. It is mandatory for the Division Leaders to train and develop the Section Leaders in their division. The success of the Division and the Section Leaders is the #1 priority of the Division Leaders. By doing their required rotations monthly they are ensuring the Section Leaders needs are met and formulation plans to fix issues within the section.

Community Leaders are promoted by a unanimous vote of the council after displaying the highest degree of dedication, commitment and loyalty to the whole of Xiled Gaming. Community Leaders run all of Xiled Gaming along with the Council. A community leader must be an Ambassador for XG! In order for a Community Leader to be promoted they must be financially committed to or make a financial commitment to XG.

The Council of Leaders is made up of the founding members of XG. The Council works within a democratic structure voting on what is best for all of XG. These ideals keep the community from being about one person’s quest. Council Leaders we’re sorry but you’re stuck with the XI unless you decide to turn into a jackass. In that case you will get two words not to letters for your promotion. LOL!!
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XGC Fatkid

May 31, 2012
Gulfport, MS
It's been 6 years with XG. Great group of people and a great community to be apart of. Congrats to everyone new and old in all your success within the group. We have tons of room to grow and many more years of great gaming!!
Last edited:


Dec 20, 2006

On August 31st we lost a dear friend,

KoG Faceup XD passed away due to health complications. FaceUp was a fearless leader and a great friend. Many of the leadership worked with FaceUp and he touched a lot of peoples hearts within the community. This is a hard time for this community and this great leader will be greatly missed. He was an inspiration to the community and always lent a helping hand for the people in the community. Our hearts hurt for this dear friend, and we want to hear your stories on how FaceUp might have inspired your life within the community.

We will miss FaceUp dearly and for the incredible work he did in the community, we are inducting KoG FaceUp XD into the XG Hall of Fame.