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  • Hey! I have not been here in a long time, I went MIA, Life happens. I am looking to link back up with some gamers and communicate with teamwork.
    Hey Tag!! I was look at the t-shirts and stuff.....but I didn't see one for Salvation. Whazzup?!?!? Who do We need to send complaints to? I want a Salvation shirt or coffee mug!!! BTW....status on your poor, oldest, loyalist, best looking, and mafia tied recruit?!?! I'll make meetings, I swear!! I din't know about them till recently!! I've been playin with OJ, GetOwned, PatriotGuy, Pickles, Asian assasin, several people. Thanks man!! Hope you had a great Christmas!!!
    Hey man, you still havent got FightingBruno in the clan list yet. He's played with the clan every week. He's also been a recruit for six months or better. I want him in alpha squad if at all possible. Do what you can buddy I know you're a busy guy.

    here, i changed the font so its not so bright
    I ran into XGC Porsha the other day, shes the gen of HellFire XK, and I was told if I wanted to join them to ask you about a Transfer to go to them...With the split going on I didnt know who to ask...the reason I'm asking for a transfer is I feel they are a better fit for me. As they play HCTDM, and the people I played with only play Search....thanks and good luck with Salvation.
    i am not sure what kind of questions I can answer about the news team, but ask away. send me a PM with any questions you have. you may actually be better off sending a message to XGC Overlord XS or XGC Typhoon XD. they lead the news team
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