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XGC X0 0 7X XI

KoG Exile

Jan 10, 2006
XGC x0 0 7x XI has been voted into the Xiled Gaming Hall of Fame on 10/24/16. 007 is one of The Council Leaders that created XGC almost 11 years ago. 007 has been a leader since KSI and him and The Council created a community the way they saw it fit to run and guess what.... it works. Xiled Gaming is not only the biggest gaming community in the world, it also keeps growing and going strong. 007's leadership helped shape this community to what it is today. He continues to help lead this community and guide this community towards success. His leadership and decision making is a crucial asset to Xiled Gaming and today we say thank you to XGC x0 0 7x XI and we welcome him into the Xiled Gaming Hall of Fame.

Feel free to post in here your memories and thoughts about XGC x0 0 7x XI.
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Mar 10, 2006
I can write an essay on the man they call double. what he has done for myself, and the community. I'll try and spare all of you. There is a lot that no one sees. He is known as the "double was mean to me" guy. What I see it as is totally different. I want a leader that is going to tell me what he is thinking, and double is that guy. You might not like it, but atleast you are aware of it. With this mentality that he has comes passion for everything that he takes on. Be it gaming, weightlifting, or other personal endeavors. You are going to get 100% out of him. I remember many years ago getting a phone call around 3am (6am east coast time), and he had some ideas that he had just thought of for the design team. He was sone excited about it. You could hear his eagerness to get his ideas out to me, and get started as soon as possible. He has spent so much of his time to make this a community for members to game and have a good time.
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