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Whats being a great Leader means?


Tournament Admin
Oct 14, 2018
Maryville, TN
Being a great leader is such a privilege for such a prestigious community in Xiled Gaming. As I joined in the community in Oct. 18th 2018, I have never been in any clan before in my life. It was a struggle at first because I was not sure what and how the people where and as time went by, I realized this is not just a gaming community, this is family and great friends that you meet and talk too at a regular basis.
As I became a sargant, there was a time I wouldn't game with other girls, it was a insecure feeling of mine as yes I was in my late 40's and it seemed like all the girls that joined in was after I thing and everyone knows what that is. My General at the time talked to me hard about this and quoted " If you want to be in leadership, you must get along with the girls and open up." At that point that woke me up because I seen and wanted to prove to not only myself but to the leaders above me I can do this. Now every man/woman in the community are equals to me and they are all treated the same, That is because it was installed to me to open up and give everyone that chance. At this point I moved up quickly to General and had plenty of splits under me. The leaders above me worked with me and showed me the best way to become the leader I am today.
Everyone has their faults, Everyone has their best qualities but at the end of the day the Leaders in Xiled Gaming's main goal is look out for their members best interest. We get all sides to every story and we try to handle situations that come to us at a timely manner. That is because we work as a TEAM, Our peers, and our Chain of command. Not amny know that the Section Leaders are peers and we are always there for each other for questions and support, That goes for the same for the Division Leaders, Council Leaders and Community Leaders. Communication is the Key to all Success and that why Xiled Gaming has come so far and still going strong. We go by the 3 core values such as the Honor, Courage and committment. We also go by the 4 proven system for Xiled gaming: The Honor code, The rank structure, Our clan structure and our promotions requirements. This is what the community is all about.
So at the end of the day, not everyone can get on the same page but we try. We as leaders try for YOU. Is there disagreements why yes there is but look at it this way, We have disagreements in our real life everyday. So the question at the beginning was Whats being a great Leader means? It means self respect and take the good with the bad. Be who you are and don't change!