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Forum Nub
Mar 16, 2009
How many people would like to see clan features on the Xbox 360 dashoard? Clan features period. I am the founder of a new beginning orginization I liked United Gamers Inc, or UGI. This is un-official yet, but everything is under works within the time. I want to share with everyone a few of my ideas. First, my mission and the sole purpose of this united idea. Our sole purpose and mission is to provide gamers with what all true gamers need. Family, professional, and average gamers. All types of gamers, there's something here for them. Whether it be accessories, mics, headsets, controllers, to sponsorships, tournaments, to video games and consoles. These are just a few things this future orginization could offer. As a gamer myself, I would love to have my voice heard and make a change in the gaming world, and I know you would too.

So, I extend a hand, asking for people who are willing to join this orginization to speak on behalf of the whole gaming atmosphere. To help provide the best gaming environment for all gamers. You will still represent your gaming community. ie: KSI, XGC, or your team, and in turn, you can help all gamers like yourself in the end. This is mainly for leaders of your community. If anyone's willing to help this goal and dream of gamers become a reality, please post here or talk to me on msn.

msn account- lilwalt_xd@hotmail.com or ami.xero@live.com
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XGC Coleslaw XI

Council Member
Jan 1, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
your idea is good, but we already strive to do all of these things by ourselves... and we already have places for every type of gamer within XG...

we already believe that we offer the best gaming environment out there... so i don't think that we will make any alliances because we don't need to... you have good ideas, but they are old news to XG... we've been working for the gamers for years now...


Forum Nerd
Jun 30, 2008
I think what Blk means is that he wants to limit the choice, making the average clan something much bigger. Unfortunately this idea has many flaws. Challenge in perspective is one. Of course with so many different clans in one place there are going to be fights. And as many should know, XG broke off from KSI just as RGC, Nv, S8G, etc. did from them. In some ways this is good, but mostly bad and I doubt KSI is very forgiving toward such an act, the whole KoG black listing business was a good sign of that. Just as Coleslaw said, XG believes they are the best of the best and I don't doubt KSI thinks different of themselves; so making so many huge clans give up a piece of their power is imaginary, especially if they feel like they're getting nothing out of it.

So I suggest you start small. Try to unify the smaller clans into this idea, you would have to be a very good diplomat but it can be done. There are many small clans out there that need the help but won't ask for it.