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Section Leader Meeting Notes:


SYN Final Fight
Aug 2, 2016
Be The Best Example You Can Be

Section Leaders

Section Updates

Please remember to post a Section Update at minimum once per month with what's going on in your section. If there are updates such as squad splits, promotions, demotions, or other important items, you can edit your original post with that information to keep it up to date. Ultimately, your section update will help you to look back and review progression within your clans and leadership that you might otherwise not remember - use it with this in mind and it will benefit you with long-term goals for both you and your clans.

Discord Moderation

Once again, please bear in mind that you are responsible for moderating your section chat on Discord as well as each of your clan chats. If there are issues arising out of Discord from members in your section, they need to be handled just like any other issue and disciplinary action taken when necessary. Also keep in mind that ranks need to be updated as members are promoted or demoted, which both you and your General are able to do. Only you will be able to add members to the leadership and announcement channels. If you have questions about using Discord or want a walk-through on how to do anything, hit up an XD for assistance anytime.


As always, recruiting needs to be happening in all clans, at all times. This is to keep the clan from becoming stagnant and dying when people go inactive, leave, or have to step away due to real life. We expect recruiting from all members, but especially from leadership - all leaders need to lead by example and bring in quality members who fit in well with the clan and squad, not just a bunch of members who don't actually want to participate and end up falling off anyways.

Recycling Leadership

We do NOT recycle leadership. Just because someone has previously been in leadership does not mean they are the right person for leadership currently. Evaluate all members the same, regardless of past experience or knowledge, and see who earns the promotion by being a positive example in the clan and moving the clan forward. If you allow your judgment to be influenced by friendships and what people tell you instead of letting their actions speak for themselves, you and your leaders will have trained your future leadership to be the same way. If you don't know what you should be looking for when promoting leaders, ask questions and use your chain command or the open door if needed.

Handling Issues

When handling problems or issues that arise, you should be approaching them rationally, not emotionally. Get both sides of the story prior to making decisions, and don't handle warnings without having a peer or higher present, in order to prevent any he said she said being brought up down the road.

Remain professional at all times with your interactions, whether it's in party, through Xbox messages, or on Discord. The example you set as a leader sets the tone for those members whom you interact with, whether they are in your section or not.


Both you, your Generals, and their leadership need to be held accountable for their rank responsibilities. If they are not fulfilling their responsibilities, find out why and explain to them what they need to do in order to remain a leader and move forward and grow. If they aren't understanding what they need to do no matter what you try, ask for help from a peer or a higher-up. If they just can't learn, the tough decision has to be made to demote them from that rank so they aren't preventing the clan from progressing. Train your leaders to be able to make these difficult decisions so you are preparing them for their next step as well, as they will not be promoted if they can't make those calls themselves.


SYN Final Fight
Aug 2, 2016
Grass Wasn't Greener

GWG is not to be used for inactive members coming back active. If we know the member was inactive and did not leave the community, you do not need to send the member to GWG as it creates extra work for no reason. If the members' clan is gone, then place him/her in another clan that plays the same games as them. No member left behind! GWG is for anyone that wants to come back after leaving the community, whether it was by their own choice or they were removed by a leader, that's all. We always check that they are being honest, if they said they were removed for inactivity, you should be looking for a removal request that states so - ask them if they remember which clan they were in, who the General or XS was, and any other information they can remember. If you aren't able to find a removal request, ask your chain of command to see if they can help, if there isn't a removal request found they will need to fill out a GWG so their story is able to be verified.

Xbox Live Group Messages

Xbox Live group messages for each clan are strongly discouraged. If you make a clan group message and it results in someone being com banned, the result isn't something that Xiled Gaming will be handling as it is not our job to police Xbox.

Discord Invitations

If a member has been removed from the community or chosen to leave, they should not be issued an invite to any XG Discord server. If you are found to have done so, you will be removed. Keep up with your clans Discord members and ensure that when people are removed, whether it's for inactivity or they were kicked, the same is done on Discord. If you have any questions about Discord, please hit up your chain of command and we can help answer any questions.


When promoting leadership, we do not look at the time in their current rank other than if they have met the minimum time requirement listed in the Promotion Requirements. If someone has been going above and beyond more than anyone else, and have earned that promotion over somebody else, that is what should determine who gets promoted first. Make sure you and all your clans leadership understand this. If you have questions regarding this, hit up your leadership.

Xbox Live Gamertags / Website Usernames

With Xbox updating their Gamertag system, we understand that you are now able to change your gamertag into other languages. Xiled Gaming's website will only be using the English basic alphabet, so please do not approve gamertags in any other languages and ensure all members know to keep their Xbox Gamertag in English as well.


Grass Wasn't Greener

GWG is not to be used for inactive members coming back active. If we know the member was inactive and did not leave the community, you do not need to send the member to GWG as it creates extra work for no reason. If the members' clan is gone, then place him/her in another clan that plays the same games as them. No member left behind! GWG is for anyone that wants to come back after leaving the community, whether it was by their own choice or they were removed by a leader, that's all. We always check that they are being honest, if they said they were removed for inactivity, you should be looking for a removal request that states so - ask them if they remember which clan they were in, who the General or XS was, and any other information they can remember. If you aren't able to find a removal request, ask your chain of command to see if they can help, if there isn't a removal request found they will need to fill out a GWG so their story is able to be verified.

Xbox Live Group Messages

Xbox Live group messages for each clan are strongly discouraged. If you make a clan group message and it results in someone being com banned, the result isn't something that Xiled Gaming will be handling as it is not our job to police Xbox.

Discord Invitations

If a member has been removed from the community or chosen to leave, they should not be issued an invite to any XG Discord server. If you are found to have done so, you will be removed. Ensure all members that are in the Discord server for your clan are still current members.

Managing Your Clan

As a General, you are in control of your clan. If you feel someone isn't a good fit for your clan, ask yourself if they are a good fit in a different clan, different division, or for the community as a whole. If you feel they will be a good fit elsewhere, work on getting them transferred. Don't let one person affect the whole clan - you are expected to take action and ensure that your clan is staying on a good path and moving forward.


When promoting leadership, we do not look at the time in their current rank other than if they have met the minimum time requirement listed in the Promotion Requirements. If someone has been going above and beyond more than anyone else, and have earned that promotion over somebody else, that is what should determine who gets promoted first. If you have questions regarding this, hit up your leadership.

Xbox Live Gamertags / Website Usernames

With Xbox updating their Gamertag system, we understand that you are now able to change your gamertag into other languages. Xiled Gaming's website will only be using the English basic alphabet, so please ensure all members know to keep their Xbox Gamertag in English as well.

Leadership Training Classes

Intro to General's Class
Friday, December 6th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by XGC ACE518 XD

Moderator Class
Monday, December 9th @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Fliggy XD

Community Wide Events

Thursday, December 5th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: KoG xMELIODASx & XGC Iris

Gears 5
Friday, December 6th @ 8pm EST
Hosts: KoG xMELIODASx & XGC Horus XS

Jackbox Party Games
Friday, December 6th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: SYN Entice & XGC Iris
Last edited by XGC Buffy XD; Today, 08:53 PM.