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PC Gamer Post Deleted? Open Door Policy Dead?

MD Holliday

Advanced Certified
Sep 26, 2014
As the title implies, I'm posting another thread because apparently my previous post has been removed or hidden. I'm kind of wishing I had saved it for offline viewing or archived it now as it apparently struck a nerve. I made what was acknowledged by XGC Bucs XD as valid points. Now maybe some, half, or even most weren't valid, but the response given was exactly what I implored being avoided: the "because I said so" argument I give my children that aren't even half as old as the age required to be in even Syndicate.

When I replied back with critique of the response employed, I used what were valid and/or entirely truthful points of contention. For several hours that reply and the whole thread were still up without a response or even a PM, but sadly it has all now been deleted or hidden (I can't tell which, only that when I search keyword of PC and user MD Holliday nothing comes up).

This GREATLY concerns me as it is a direct slap in the face of what an "Open Door Policy" means and has been sold to every member of this community for years. I am asking once again for a direct and honest answer from our XC's or higher. The ones we were told in our meetings last night we could directly contact. I will not make the same mistake again. I will archive this post, and I will continue to push for an actual answer from adults to adults. Whether it's a "we just don't want to bother with it," or a "we don't know how," or some actually technical explanation, etc.

Posted with the upmost sincerity and eagerly awaiting your reply...