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XGC CobaltSmith

Forum Member
Feb 19, 2007
First I want it known that I have been with XGC for nearly 5 and ½ years. During that time I have been General over Armada *My home clan*, Legends, Vanguard and Basic. I became a General within 6 months of becoming a member of XGC and built up and split *along with XGC IRONFIST XS* 5 clans. In all of that, I chose not to pursue becoming a section leader simply because I enjoyed working with the players and not dealing with any bureaucracy that may endure in the higher ranks, it seems that that decision was the right one.

When I joined I truly believed, and still believe in the message XGC was sending, promoting and utilizing with all of its members. Over the course of my membership I have noticed that the higher ups, namely Division Leaders and up have failed this community. With them, it became only about the authority and power they had over others “below” them and not about doing what they can in that position FOR the players “below” them. Thus failing what their position was intended for and every member they were in that position to help.

Recently there are several examples of what these problems in leadership has wrought and that is the fairly recent upheaval of members leaving to either join or CREATE other communities, not the least of which is TRU-gaming, created by XGC BlackOps XS and those who left with him. Than to mention the very recent threats to a member who was informed that they were indeed completely expendable if they chose to leave *tho this member had absolutely no intention of leaving, nor knowledge of what was being implied to them*, the BANNING of a section leader due PURELY to rumors that he was intending to leave but no proof given, attained or implied. *these are instances I have personal knowledge of*.

These along with several other instances that have happened to me personally, have led me to the decision to leave XG and move on to something that I feel better encompasses what I want in a Player Network.

I want it known also that I have no, hold no and imply no grievances to those in “Leadership” of XG. In point of fact, I thank XG and all it has provided me over the years. I believe being with XG has made me a better gamer and enabled me to better enjoy my time gaming. Again, I want to stress I do not hate XG, nor am I even mad at them. I simply believe the dmg I have personally witnessed is beyond repair and has gotten to a point that ALL of XG would need to be completely restructured. I would not ask the Council to do this, it’s something they need to agree on themselves if they decide to.

I am leaving XG, however I request that XG maintains it’s own statements and not ban me *as you have banned others for simply leaving* from the site as I have no ill will toward you. I would like to maintain the connection I have with the people I have met as a result of being a part of XG.

In closing, I thank you XGC for the time I have had with your community. I now feel that I need to move on to something that I believe is better.

SYN HighLite

Jul 23, 2008
Modesto, CA
I seriously doubt all of xg needs to be restructured because we here in syn actually are having quite a good time. Also No community nor person is perfect, there is bound to be a discrepancy somewhere along the lines. It's whether you try to bridge the discrepancies or not that will allow you to see what our leaders have in mind. :)

Not all of our leaders are corrupt there may be a couple but to say all of them is a little much.

Have a good day.


Forum Junkie
Dec 22, 2006
I seriously doubt all of xg needs to be restructured because we here in syn actually are having quite a good time. Also No community nor person is perfect, there is bound to be a discrepancy somewhere along the lines. It's whether you try to bridge the discrepancies or not that will allow you to see what our leaders have in mind. :)

Not all of our leaders are corrupt there may be a couple but to say all of them is a little much.

Have a good day.

very true! i know for a fact there are always issues in all community's out there. there is no such thing as perfect! we may try but that all depends on the players if they wish to do so.

The Chosen One

Get A Life!
Aug 9, 2010
Anywhere but France.
I'm just going to add my bit to this thread.

I know quite a few of the people who went to this "player network" as the vast majority of them were in my Section, although none came from my clan. I may or may not agree with their reasons for leaving, this isn't the place for me to talk about that, but from what I have heard they are very happy with their new community.

At the end of the day that's all that matters and I personally wish them all the best.

o CRASH 118s o

Sep 7, 2007
Grand Prairie, Texas
ive heard this story before but when people went to leaving, my section and clan took a direct hit! but the communities that were created from my time in XG were....


ive lived thru 3 splits and im still here.....i didnt always agree with what the leaders did or said and somethings they did shouldnt had been done just becuase it hurt the division more than it helped. but i was a general and it wasnt my call. BUT IM STILL HERE! everyone has a different opinion on what needs to be done. but until u can get into a leadership position and start doing the things that need to be done to better the community, then thats what u need to do. i dont think our current president is worth a **** but i dont leave the country cuz i think hes a ****ing idiot. but when the next election comes up i will vote for someone else!

dont get me wrong, im not saying ur wrong for leaving in anyway, alot of my friends left SYN to go with those other communities. im just saying there are things u cant control and u just gotta get thru it. im in hopes that a leader goes back and looks at all the clans ive rebuilt, all the people ive recruited, all the work and effort ive put into this community, yes i was a general and was next in line for XS but i did go inactive for a while(questionable). i think i got the **** end of the stick in my case but im gonna do what i can and right now they put me with XGC FREAKER in FATALITY and im gonna do what ive always done and im gonna help him build the best clan that XGC has ever seen. one day ill be rewarded and be where im supposed to be

opinions are like ***holes, everyone has one!
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SYN HighLite

Jul 23, 2008
Modesto, CA
ive heard this story before but when people went to leaving, my section and clan took a direct hit! but the communities that were created from my time in XG were....


ive lived thru 3 splits and im still here.....i didnt always agree with what the leaders did or said and somethings they did shouldnt had been done just becuase it hurt the division more than it helped. but i was a general and it wasnt my call. BUT IM STILL HERE! everyone has a different opinion on what needs to be done. but until u can get into a leadership position and start doing the things that need to be done to better the community, then thats what u need to do. i dont think our current president is worth a **** but i dont leave the country cuz i think hes a ****ing idiot. but when the next election comes up i will vote for someone else!

dont get me wrong, im not saying ur wrong for leaving in anyway, alot of my friends left SYN to go with those other communities. im just saying there are things u cant control and u just gotta get thru it. im in hopes that a leader goes back and looks at all the clans ive rebuilt, all the people ive recruited, all the work and effort ive put into this community, yes i was a general and was next in line for XS but i did go inactive for a while(questionable). i think i got the **** end of the stick in my case but im gonna do what i can and right now they put me with XGC FREAKER in FATALITY and im gonna do what ive always done and im gonna help him build the best clan that XGC has ever seen. one day ill be rewarded and be where im supposed to be

opinions are like ***holes, everyone has one!

i def. agree with the last statement haha

btw we all have different political opinions please be careful on referencing politics.

But you are right ive seen many splits in my time and just in the time since ive been general again i believe ive seen at least 5-8 different clans spawn.. What people dont realize is that they will 9/10 times fail with there community within a year and almost always faill within 2 years. I know how much is involved in even making a small community i did it myself.. Everyone thinks they can run things better, however, sometimes you got to bite the bullet.


Feb 13, 2007
Where Uncle Sam says....
yea people leave, in my case it was just to see what else was out there, not saying it was the best thing, but it was good for me to see how great XG was, i mean i was one of the founding members of Nv but do i regret it no, but i dont like how the community hated people when they leave, i mean people want to do what they think is best for them, and its not right to judge people who helped out the community a great deal, just because they choose to do something else

o CRASH 118s o

Sep 7, 2007
Grand Prairie, Texas
well it just goes to show that the grass isnt greener on the other side.....i was looking at the forums for rgc and the other communities on here and they only have like 15 people in there.....and most of them are silver accounts