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XGC Hades XI

Council Leader
Jan 1, 2006
This month's question come from XGC Exile XD: It is important to me and some of the section leaders to keep our original clans going. Pretty much keeping out history alive. How important is the history of XG to you and are you excited about the new consoles coming out and the future growth of our community with these consoles?

Well the funny thing about history is that it is always there. Like it or not, good or bad, history is always recording itself. Though I do like to see the original clans continue to flourish it is not the most important part of our history to me.

Over the years we have seen many other clans come and go. Several of them have spun off from us many have been created by others. Many of these clans copy some of the things we do. Many of these clans copy everything we do (Even to the point of forgetting to take XG out of their Honor Code after copying and pasting it to their new site) However as they say imitation is the best form of flattery. The real question here that I have spent time thinking about is why after all these years does XG continue to get stronger while so many others fail. I think the answer is history and this is the part of our history that is most important to me.

We CREATED a community many years ago. I say created, we did not steal or copy ideas. It is true the founding members and I left another community, but the reason we left is that we didn't like it, so why copy it. We wrote a new Honor Code to fit our ideals. We created a new Rank Structure that fit with our vision. Though many members did try to come with us we only accepted the ones that fit in with the concept of XG. Then we went and recruited new members to build our community. We did not poach as many people from the old community as we could ... remember we left because we did not like it why would we want all of its members?

As we have continued to grow and evolve over the years we have continued the pursuit of history. We kick out the people who don't live up to the standards of XG. We do not steal ideas from other clans. We do not hit, poach, or try to destroy other clans. We do not have alliances with other clans. We do not try to start drama with other clans. We do not have wars with other clans. We do not start rumors and lies about other clans. This is another important part of our history I love what we DON'T do.

I believe the difference between us and the other clans that don't survive is that history. We built a new and original foundation that was not stolen from anyone. We do not start drama with anyone or form alliances with other groups that we cannot control to our standards. How can these other clans think they will flourish in a community based on hate? How can these other clans copy what we do and be considered original? People are not stupid, the reason other clans fail while we succeed is after members are part of other things for a while they see the hate. Or if a clan can create something new on their own to begin with how can they come up with ideas to evolve? That is why the Grass Wasn't Greener Forum is so long with people who want to come back. Once they see the others they figure out the truth.

As far as the new consoles go I see them as an opportunity. The new Xbox One should resurge active players on the new system. People who don't play as much as they used to because they got bored will now be back to check out the new graphics and features. This will create more players in matchmaking looking for likeminded gamers to play with. The Playstation 4 seems to possible be a legitimate contender this time for Xbox. This might increase our presence in a different console and enable us to bring what community gaming is all about to a whole new audience like never before. Let us just remember when November comes that it is about finding good quality people to join our family not about hitting the 100,000 registered member mark. History of other clans shows that the wrong people destroy communities and that is not what we are about. If we continue to stand fast by our Ideals, we promote our vision, and drive our concept we will continue to grow and the members will come.

I will finish this month's article by saying a phrase once told to me years ago by a boss I admire very much. It is a simple idea, yet a powerful one, that if everyone in our community lived by we will continue to grow and we would have even less drama than we do. "Do the right thing even when no one is looking."

Remember if you have a question you think the community would like to hear my take on please post in the Hades Two Cents forum. I will use at least one question a month.

KoG Exile

Jan 10, 2006
Thanks for the response Hades! I'm looking forward to the future of this community and the growth opportunity we have. Excellent response!
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Forum Nerd
Jul 24, 2011
first and foremost to get it out of the way, I left in May or 2012 and joined a different community. But, I still visit the site to check on my profile and see what major things have happened since I last hopped on the site. I enjoyed my time in XG and very good experiences (even some of my friends did not, but that is neither here nor there now). I got a lot out of being in XG and have kept that with me and it has helped me grow. XG was a great step for me in meeting new friends online on xbox and experiencing what it is like being in a gaming community.

I want to say congrats on the possibly hitting 100k registered mark and keeping being the type of community you are meant to be. Even though I left, I still care about the community and hope it continues because of my good experiences.

But, I also enjoy where I am today. So sometimes the grass might not be greener but can be just as green. :) On that note I wish to say congrats again and best of wishes to the community I started off in and has left me with some good memories.

XGC Frickn A XS

Nov 27, 2007
Sacramento, CA
My only comment is in regards to your quote for doing the right thing. Very powerful. I had heard that used some time ago and adopted it myself. However I added something at the end that promoted ownership of your decisions. I'd like to share it. "Do the right thing even if no one is looking" "but also dont wait until no one is looking to do the right thing"