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  1. H


    Anyone having an issue connecting your account to Facebook? When I click to connect, the window pops up then just disappears. Sucks
  2. H


    I say sports fans because If you don't watch any sport/shows then you probably didn't catch it. Did you watch the ESPN 30 for 30 on the ex Ohio State star Maurice Clarett? He finally tells the story of what happened to him and its truly inspirational. Arguably the best 30 for 30 all time. Must see
  3. H


    I've had all kinds of pets from bearded dragons, tree frogs, betas, hamsters etc. My current pet is a 1 year old German Shepherd. She's just about the greatest thing ever. So intelligent. She gets spayed Wednesday so I hope that goes well. So what's your favorite pet??
  4. H


    Last clan wars we were pyt into gold division and well, we weren't ready. We got whooped. We're having a meeting here soon on how we should approach clan wars, such as which game types to go for first, and trying to make teams to split up and go for certain types. Any other ideas I can bounce...