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XGC War General

Well names Joshua just call me Josh. I enjoy writing its a passion of mine you could say. I am a Halo and Cod addict. I've had live since march of this year but have had xbox since the day it came out. I've been thru hell and back to get to the place i am in now. Its safe to say my past is behind me and for that i am truly glad because for far to long i let it control me. Well thats a little about myself so anyways feel free to hit me up with a Friend Request on live gamertag is that way ->

Well i waited till i was confortable but since this is bio its time for a little more truth about myself. Well when i was 13 i was diagnosed with scolioses or curving of the spine. My curves were 75 and 55 degrees with formed almost an S shape. This was severe enough that a brace was not an option surgery was only choice.

So i had surgery 11 to 12 hours later i came out and was put on oxygen since i almost died. I went for checkups every week. She the doctor said everything was looking good then a few years ago 2 or 3 about. She resigned and i didnt get release papers so i had to see a new doctor. When i went to him i had X-rays taken.

This is where i received the news the surgery had failed , and the surgery to fix it would kill me since they deflate one lung and one of my lungs has scar tissue from being misdiagnosed for asthma as a kid so my body wouldnt be able to handle it.

Well after finding out all the painstaking time and pain went through was for nothing. I fell into serious depression and tried to kill my self 5 times. Most of friends left me even though iu helped them many times but my one friend of almost 6 years and my parents helped me thru it.

Now i never used to be one to hold faith so true but i know someone up there was also helping me and for that i am thankful.

Now if you toke the time to read this and are wondering why i just opened up about one of my darkest secrets its not because i want pity i dont need it. Its because i trust this community and i wanted to share what made me into this person i am today.

Its been a year since my depression and everyday i wake up now. I am happy i dont hold grudges i have no regrets because eventually you wake up and see life is to short to mope around and feel bad about yourself.

Now after writing this i want to people to know my email is on here for a reson if you ever have a problem dont be afraid to talk to me about. I can help and anything you tell me doesnt leave the conversion.

Gaming and Writing
Oct 13, 1992 (Age: 31)
XG Rank
Gaming Community
  1. XGC
Gaming Consoles
  1. Male
Let go of the past


the past is behind me and my future is bright. you cant bring me down any longer. i am my own man my destiny is my own creation not set it stone.


thank you xgc snyder462 for the great sig