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Recent content by XGC T3nFOUR

  1. X


    it's the best one I can find, let me find an alternative image. it may not be that same exact one Update: try this one
  2. X


    Name to be used for Image XGC T3nFOUR (captain) Theme of the signature TitanFall 2 using this image: Color Style (Optional) Go ham!:) whatever you think is cool Addition Request: I would like to use the above image but with a different background making it look more high tech and...
  3. X


    as i became a captain and also transferring to XGC 82nd Airbourne i would like a new sig to represent the renewed clan i would like for it to say : XGC Tenfour 82nd Airborne Foxhound Squad Captain Background: http://imgur.com/l5E1hOT Colors: Respective halo 4 color theme anything...
  4. X


    can someone please help me on how to create a blog. I've been every were in this site to see how to create one and can't find it. Thanks!
  5. X


    hi fearless leaders. i was wondering if it is OK to represent on twitch (Clan Logos, name, graphics, etc) on my stream, obviously our honor code WILL be upheld to the highest degree.