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I'm a disabled vet who LOVES gaming. I'm a pretty nice guy when you get to know me. I will treat you with respect as long as you treat me with respect. I've been in many gaming communities, even tried my hand at co-founding a gaming community. I am also a member of Clan Atlas, a gaming community resource site that helps gaming communities find new members and gamers looking to join a gaming community. Please feel free to utilize me for forum recruiting on that website, as I can be a huge asset. I decided to dive back into the gaming community gig again because I missed the comradarie that comes from being a member. I have a twisted sense of humor, so I'm not easily offended. All I ask is that you don't make racist, sexist, or ****phobic remarks or jokes.

I love playing games. My favorites are: Assassin's Creed, CoD, Destiny, Deadpool, Splinter Cell, and Halo. As you can probably defer from my name and GT, I'm an anime fanatic. My favorite animes are: Fullmetal Alchemist, Mobile Suit Gundam, InuYasha (original & The Final Act), Berserk, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Sword Art Online 1 & 2, Dragonball Z, Black Lagoon, Naruto (original & Shippuden), and Outlaw Star. I could name more, but I just wanted to give you a taste. My favorite kinds of music are rock, metal, and old school gangsta rap. My favorite types of movies are sci-fi, comic book, comedies, and anything with 'SPLOSIONS ('MERIKA)!!!!
Aberdeen, WA
Gaming Community
  1. XGC
Gaming Consoles
  1. Male
Disabled Vet
All is One and One is All


all is one and one is all. for we are part of a greater whole, and within us, we contain everything.

