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Recent content by KoG Nekro

  1. KoG Nekro

    Transfer Request Form

    Please follow this format when posting a transfer: Transferring from:KoG misfits Clan Name:KoG misfits Gamertag:KoG derp derp Rank:Sargent General's Name:kog Nekro Transferring to: KoG mafia Clan Name:KoG mafia General: KoG reiver Section Leader:KoG gibz Reason for transfer...
  2. KoG Nekro

    Name Change Request

    CLAN NAME: KoG misfits RANK:sergeant CURRENT LIVE GAMERTAG: disabledderp DESIRED GAMERTAGS, in order (max per request approval is 3) 1) ___________________kog derp _________ 2) ____________________________ 3) ____________________________
  3. KoG Nekro

    Hey jarred :)

    Hey jarred :)
  4. KoG Nekro

    Name Change Request

    CLAN NAME: KoG Misfits RANK:sergeant CURRENT LIVE GAMERTAG: loading DESIRED GAMERTAGS, in order (max per request approval is 3) 1) _______________kog Akira 2) _____________________kog zaza____ 3) ____________KoG Xotic_______________
  5. KoG Nekro

    Name Change Request

    CLAN NAME: KoG Misfits RANK:sergeant CURRENT LIVE GAMERTAG: octa6k DESIRED GAMERTAGS, in order (max per request approval is 3) 1) _______________kog octa6k_____________ 2) _____________________kog octa6k_______ 3) ____________KoG octa6k________________
  6. KoG Nekro

    Intros to Generals Class - 6/24/2022

    KoG Nekro Easy Company KoG Gibz Few months
  7. KoG Nekro

    Intro to General Class 5-20-2022 @8pm Eastern

    Gamer Tag: KoG Nekro Clan: Easy Company Section Leader: KoG Gibz Estimated time as General: 2 months