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I really like it when thingz' are copesetic.

There iz' good and there iz' bad.

Between three and five people to a squad, buddy up, communicate, be patient, kick carcass and take namez'.

Jack ov' all tradez' I am. Show me how to do it and I will get it done. Need assistance, just ask! If I know how to do something I'll figure out a way to get you the information.

Az' for my style ov' writing. I'm not writing to you, I am talking with/to you. All I do iz' replace the plural "S" with a "Z'." and the word, "OF" with, "OV'." Noting my creativity, there iz' an apostrophy after the wordz' that I speak to you with...

I am an artist... I game way too much on Call of Duty. I am studying The Art of War by Sun Tzu. I preach common sense.
October 29
Northwest U.S.
XG Rank
Gaming Community
  1. XGC
Gaming Consoles
  1. Male
Starving Artist.
Repitition is the mother of all knowledge, knowledge is power.


"if my answer's frighten you, then you should cease asking scary questions..!"

º sun tzu's strategy º
^ daily article on strategy ^