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Oct 26, 2017
1) Gamer Tag/User Name: SYN OHANA
2) Any writing experience that you may have (it’s okay if you have none)?: Former XG News Team member back when my tag was either Blackhorne01 or SYN HORNE, and have also ran The n News Team in my 2 Former Gaming Community.
3) What type of news are you interested in sharing or reporting?: New games and New content added on to games.
4) Based on your interests in the News Team, please submit a sample of an article.:

Division 2
So everyone knows “The Division,” no, you don’t remember, well let me remind you. The massive disease that broke out on black Friday and crushed the city of New York, no, still not enough, well how about the three factions that targeted you. Like the cleaners, you know the big guys with flame throwers that were hell-bent on burning, shooting, or beating the crap out of anyone who might just have come into contact with the virus. Still not enough for you to remember, well what about the game that everyone played that had a little bit of guns but the main thing that everyone did was sit in cover against a car and close car doors.
Well now you can do it again, in “The Division 2,” on March 15 of 2019, you can go and close some car doors in Washington D.C. The game is centered in Washington D.C. where you are fighting to keep the city from collapse. When the game beta comes out you will have access to the dark-zone, missions are still underway, but there should be some of them in the beta when it comes out. You will have 5 bars of health with 2 extra, yep three more than the first one.
So when you first load up the game and start it, you get to do the most controversial thing ever, YOU GET TO GO SAVE TRUMP!!! J.K. The mission is to go and clear the white house lawn. The base of operations this game will be the white house as well once you clear it. Once you finish clearing the lawn you will get a cinematic that takes you around the white house. Another one of the missions is called Grand Washington Heist, where you go through this meth lab like building and eliminate hostiles to rescue, Eleanor Sawyer, who appears to be a friendly agent in the field, then will do away after the mission. There are also some control missions that have been added to make you stay in one area and defend it from enemies that are charging you. This would appear to be most of the missions that have been made so far.